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Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences(Natural Science Edition)
2011 Issue 3
Periodic solution for a class of neutral Duffing equation
LI Xiao-huan;JIANG Zhen
ren wu jie shao
An ID-based secret sharing scheme on access structure
HUANG Mei-juan
The convergence rate of learning algorithm for least square regression with sample dependent hypothesis spaces
WANG Yi-ying;ZHOU Yan;CHEN Zheng;GAO Si-si;SHENG Bao-huai
A method for solving nonlinear equations with fifth-order convergence
WANG Xiao-rui;LIU Xi-lan
The solution of improved Candy model in images
HUAI Wen-bo;GAN Ming-hui
xin xi dong tai
The transition properties of magnetic alternating superlattice with one surface layer
CHANG Shao-mei;ZHENG Bao-bing
The resolution of three paradoxes
YANG Liu-sheng
Complementary code keying in IEEE std 802.11b
YUAN Feng-gang;LI Cui-cui
The pricing formula of chooser options
WANG Hai-ye
Development and realization of product configuration management function
L(U) Xiao-feng;ZHOU Yan;WU Li-xia