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Journal of Bijie University
2011 Issue 8
The Study of Non-well-founded Set and Its Application
du wen jing
Type's Properties of t he Theory of p Quasicyclic Group
wu xing ling
Research on Activity of Lipase in the Digestive System of Sehizothorax Kozlovi Nikolsky
hu si yu ; yu zhi you ; chen yong xiang ; zhao hai tao
Embedded Database in the Automatic Weighing System
zhang ji yan ; ou ying yuan
Theory of Real-time Parallel Model with Space Restriction
tao sheng da ; li xiao rong
The Optimization of Pipeline Layout Model
yang peng ; li sheng dong ; kong meng qiu
Represention of Spatial Knowledge Based on Round Shell Region Extension and Shrinking
nie deng guo ; wang yong hong ; kang wang qiang
An Improved Harmony Annealing Algorithm
lai zhi zhu ; wu de bao
Study on the Mosses Flora in Zhaozishan Mountain of Bijie Experimental Region
jiang jie yun ; yang ting sheng
Comparative Studies of Genomic DNA Extraction from Several Medicinal Plants
feng tu ; li yun xiang
Research of Digital Data Acquisition about Bijie Scenic Region
liu chuan shan ; he dao de
Banzhaf Index on a Class of Cooperative Fuzzy Games
zhao pei chen
lai gao xu zhi
Synthesis and Structure Analysis of 1- (Ferrocenyl) ethanol
wang wei ; yang yu qiong ; zhao jun ; yang zuo ; cheng jing