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Journal of Beijing Forestry University
2012 Issue 4
Fire retardant properties of intumescent waterborne fire-retardant coatings based on MUF-PVAc mixed resin for wood
FENG Jian-wen;WANG Feng-qiang;SUN Li-chao;WANG Qing-wen.Key Laboratory of Bio-Based Material Science and Technology of Ministry of Education;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin;150040;P.R.China.
Comparison among the ultrastructures and characteristics of wing scales in 5 species of pine caterpillar moths
TAN Qiong;WEN Jun-bao;LI Zhen-yu.Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education;College of Forestry;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China.
Effects of naturally recovered vegetation on chemical speciation of Mn in gold-tracesmining wasteland,northeastern China
YANG Su1;CAI Ti-jiu1;MAN Xiu-ling1;GU Jin-feng1;2;LANG Yan1.1 College of Forestry;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin;150040;P.R.China;2 Heilongjiang Institute of Science and Technology;Harbin;150027;P.R.China.
Dominant factor analysis of dynamic Young modulus of poplar LVL
FENG Li;QIN Nan.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin;150040;P.R.Chnia.
Comprehensive evaluation on the effects of different biological agents on survival rate,growth,physiological and biochemical indexes of desert plant Yucca brevifolia seedlings
QU Chao-qi;MAN Xiu-ling;DUAN Liang-liang.College of Forestry;Northeast Forestry University; Harbin; 150040; P.R. China.
Pollen vitality and stigma receptivity in two species of Callicarpa
XU Lin;CHEN Fa-zhi;JI Xiao-mei;TONG Jun;YANG Shou-kun;CHEN Wei-dong;XIE Yan-feng.Scientific and Research Institute of Forestry and Fruit Sciences of Wuhan;Landscape Plant Engineering Technology Research Center of Hubei Province;Wuhan;430075;P.R.China.
Variation in leaf nutrition of Robinia pseudoacacia clones
ZHANG Guo-jun1;2;YUAN Cun-quan1;WANG Yang2;LI Yun1;XU Zhao-he1;3;SUN Peng1.1 National Engineering Laboratory for Tree Breeding;Key Laboratory for Genetics and Breeding in Forest Trees and Ornamental Plants of Ministry of Education;College of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China;2 College of Horticulture Science and Technology;Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology;Changli;066600;P.R.China;3 College of Forestry;Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China.
Spatial continuity of fuels in major coniferous forests in Beijing mountainous area:fuel horizontal continuity and crown fire spread
NIU Shu-kui;HE Qing-tang;CHEN Feng;WANG San;XU Ge-xi;SUN Wu.College of Forestry;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China.
Physiological and photosynthetic response to different water conditions of Taxus cuspidate seedlings
XU Bo-chao1;ZHOU Zhi-qiang2;LI Wei3;LIU Tong1.1 Center for Ecological Research;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin;150040;P.R.China;2 Key Laboratory of Forestry Plant Ecology of Ministry of Education;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin;150040;P.R.China;3 College of Forestry;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin;150040;P.R.China.
Determining wood moisture content by free induction decay of nuclear magnetic resonance
LI Chao;ZHANG Ming-hui;YU Jian-fang.College of Materials Science and Art Design;Inner Mongolia Agricultural University;Hohhot;010018;P.R.China.
Extraction of individual tree DBH and height based on terrestrial laser scanner data
LI Dan1;2;PANG Yong1;YUE Cai-rong2;ZHAO Dan1;XU Guang-cai1.1 Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques;Chinese Academy of Forestry;Beijing;100091;P.R.China;2 College of Forestry;Southwest Forestry University;Kunming;650224;P.R.China.
Seed plant flora of Fenglin Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang Province,northeastern China
LIU Lin-xin1;LIU Chuan-zhao2;MAO Zi-jun1.1 Key Laboratory of Forestry Plant Ecology of Ministry of Education;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin;150040;P.R.China;2 Liangshui National Nature Reserve;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin;153106;P.R.China.
Composition and geographic elements of the flora in Nuluer Hushan National Nature Reserve,Liaoning of northeastern China
MA Guo-qing;JIANG Li-wei.Academy of Forest Inventory & Planning;State Forestry Administration; Beijing;100714;P.R.China.
Library construction of cDNA and SSR analysis of partial ESTs for stem and leaf of Betula luminifera
ZHANG Min;HUANG Hua-hong;LIN Er-pei;ZHOU Hou-jun;WANG Ya-hui;TONG Zai-kang.Nurturing Station for State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Silviculture;School of Forestry and Biotechnology;Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University;Lin’an;311300;P.R.China.
Investigation and assessment of soil fertility in the greenbelts of Chanba ecological zone of Xi’an, northwestern China
YIN Jin-yan1;JIANG Lin1;WANG Hai-tao1;MENG Ling-jun1;LI Shan-shan1;GAO Hai-ying1;GENG Zeng-chao1;GUO Yong-li2.1 College of Resources and Environment;Northwest A&F University;Yangling;Shaanxi;712100;P.R.China;2 Agricultural Technology Promotion Center of Xi’an Chang’an Area;710100;P.R.China.
Structural characteristics of natural spruce-fir forest in Wangqing Forestry Bureau of Jilin Province,northeastern China
JIANG Gui-juan;ZHENG Xiao-xian.Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China.
Detection and analysis on the stress relaxation properties of thin wood composites based on cantilever-beam bending
HUANG Yan1;ZHANG Hou-jiang1;LIU Yan1;John F.Hunt2;YAN Hai-cheng1.1 School of Technology;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China;2 USDA Forest Product Laboratory;Madison;WI 53726--2398;USA.
Identifying the ploidy of ginkgo pollen using laser scanning confocal and scanning electron microscope
CHENG Jin-xin1;2;SUN Yu-han1;HU Jun-yan1;3;WANG Ya-ru1;4;DING Bo-yuan1;LI Yun1. 1 National Engineering Laboratory for Tree Breeding;Key Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding in Forest Trees and Ornamental Plants of Ministry of Education;College of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China;2 Fire Engineering Department;Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces Academy;Langfang;Hebei;065000;P.R.China;3 College of Forestry and Bio-technology;Zhejiang A & F University;Hangzhou;311300;P.R.China;4 Shijiazhuang Pomology Institute;Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences;050061;P.R.China.
Genetic diversity of Hyphantria cunea populations in China by AFLP analysis
LIU Jie;LI Jing;CHEN Min;LUO You-qing;TAO Jing.Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education;College of Forestry;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China.
Anomalous changes in Ca2+-ATPase distribution during the process of pollen abortion in Populus tomentosa Carr
CAO Yuan;KANG Xiang-yang;ZHANG Zhi-yi;JING Yan-ping.College of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology;National Engineering Laboratory for Tree Breeding;Key Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding in Forest Trees and Ornamental Plants of Ministry of Education;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China.
Sequence analysis and expression pattern of AmLEA14 encoding a late embryogenesis abundant protein in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus
SHI Jing;LIU Mei-qin;SHI Jun-na;ZHAO Xiao-xin;LU Cun-fu;YIN Wei-lun.National Engineering Laboratory for Tree Breeding;Key Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding in Forest Trees and Ornamental Plants of Ministry of Education;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China.
Determination and genetic analysis of resin productivity,resin density and turpentine content in half-sib families of slash pine
LI Yan-jie;JIANG Jing-min;LUAN Qi-fu.Rresearch Institute of Subtropical Forestry;Chinese Academy of Forestry;Fuyang;Zhejiang;311400;P.R.China.
Comparison in photosynthetic characteristics of Larix kaempferi,L.olgensis and their hybrids
XU Chen-lu;SUN Xiao-mei;ZHANG Shou-gong.State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding;Research Institute of Forestry;Chinese Academy of Forestry;Beijing;100091;P.R.China.
Modifying wood surface properties by SiO2 polyurethane coating
MO Yin-you1;2;CHEN Kui3;HE Qi-fei3;FU Yun-lin2.1 Guangxi Forestry Survey & Design Institute;Nanning;530011;P.R.China;2 College of Forestry;Guangxi University;Nanning;530005;P.R.China;3 Gaofeng Forestry Center of Guangxi;Nanning;530001;P.R.China.
Classifying plants into guilds and its correlation with individual traits:taking the Yellow River Delta as example
YUAN Xiu1;2;MA Ke-ming1;WANG De3.1 State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology;Research Center forEco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing;100085;P.R.China;2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing;100049;P.R.China;3 Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research for Sustainable Development;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shandong;264003;P.R.China.
Leaf structural characteristics of three wild Rhododendron plants and their adaptability to Changbai Mountains,northeastern China
WANG Yan-ping;LIU Sheng-li;CHEN Yu-zhen;LU Cun-fu.Engineering Laboratory for Tree Breeding;College of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China.
Identification of new germplasms of Guizhou loquat using ISSR markers
FAN Fu-hua1;YANG Yong-sheng2;LI Qing-hong2;DENG Yong2;WEN Xiao-peng1.1 Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Bioengineering;Guiyang;550025;P.R.China; 2 Guiyang Agricultural Testing Center;550018;P.R.China.