Foundation and application of GPS control network in forest districts.
LI Chun-gan~;DAI Hua-bing~2;LI Chong-gui~3;LUO Xu~4;FENG Zhong-ke~4.1 Guangxi Forestry Inventory and Planning Institute;Nanning;530011;P.R.China;2 Forestry College of Guangxi University;Nanning;530001;P.R.China;3 Shenzhen Polytechnic;Shenzhen;518055;P.R.China;4 Institute of GIS;RS & GIS;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China.
Improvement of forest surface fire spread models.
ZHU Min~;FENG Zhong-ke~1;HU Lin~1.1 Institute of GIS;RS & GPS;Beijing Forestry University;100083;P.R.China;2 Institute of Engineering Mechanics;China Earthquake Administration;Harbin;150000;P.R.China.