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Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology
2015 Issue 3
Experimental Research on Nonlinear Metal Rubber Isolator Under Different Incentives
LI Yu-long;BAI Hong-bai;HE Zhong-bo;LU Chun-hong;Ordnance Engineering College;
Analysis on Leakage Characteristics of Ball Piston Pair Considering Variable Viscosity
LIN Shuo;JING Chong-bo;NIE Ying;National Key Laboratory of Vehicular Transmission;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Theoretical and Experimental Research on the Formation of Lubrication Film for Slipper Bearings of Axial Piston Pumps
HU Ji-bin;ZHOU Hu-cheng;WEI Chao;LIU Hong;National Key Laboratory of Vehicular Transmission;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing research institute of Precise Mechatronic Control;
Research on Clustering Setup Planning of Part Based on Tolerance Reasoning
GAO Bo;YAN Yan;ZHANG Fa-ping;WANG Guo-xin;School of Mechanical Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;School of Mechatronic Engineering;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;
Application Study of Kriging Model in Common Rail Diesel Engine Calibration
CHAI Zhi-gang;ZHANG Fu-jun;LIU Bo-lan;HUANG Ying;FU Geng;School of Mechanical and Vehicular Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Research on Power Closed-Loop Torque Control Strategy of PMSM in HEV Application
HUANG Wen-qing;ZHANG You-tong;ZHANG Xing-chun;Laboratory of Low Emission Vehicle;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Multiple Load Cases and Dynamic Continuum Structures Topology Optimization Using Engineering Constraint Technique
ZHU Jian-feng;LONG Kai;CHEN Xiao-kai;LIN Yi;SHI Guo-biao;School of Mechanical and Vehicular Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources;North China Electric Power University;
Optimal Programmed Guidance Law Design of Simple Control Supersonic Rocket Target
SHEN Guan-jun;FENG Shun-shan;CAO Hong-song;Institute of Mechatronic Engineering;North University of China;State Key Laboratory of Explosive Science and Technology;Beijing Institute of Technology;
3D Map Building for Mobile Robot Based on Multi-Sensor Fusion Aided SLAM
LI Xiu-zhi;JIA Song-min;College of Electronic Information & Control Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;
A Filtering Method for Burr Signal Based on State Machine
WANG Jian-qun;WU Qing-yang;CAO Ni;School of Mechanical Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Code Obfuscation Algorithm to Resist Static Disassembly
YANG Yu-bo;HUANG Wei;LI Zhong-xian;HU Zheng-ming;Information Security Center;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;School of Computer Science;Communication University of China;National Cybernet Security Ltd;
Multi-Bid Auctions for Resource Allocation
LIN Jun;NI Hong;SUN Peng;ZHANG Hui;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;National Network New Media Engineering Research Center;Institute of Acoustics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Adaptive Even Patch Tessellation
GUO Dong-liang;NIE Jun-lan;WANG Yan-fen;Information Science and Engineering College;Yanshan University;The Key Laboratory for Computer Virtual Technology and System Integration of Hebei Province;
Research on Millimeter Wave Space-Borne Antenna with Multiple Frequency and Dual Polarizations
WANG Hong-jian;HAO Qi-yan;LIU Shi-hua;YI Min;CHEN Xue;LIU Guang;ZHAO Xin;Key Laboratory of Microwave Remote Sensing;National Space Science Center;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Code-Aided Frame Synchronization Based on LDPC Code Constraints
LI Zhi-xin;WU Nan;WANG Hua;ZHAO Hong-jie;KUANG Jing-ming;School of Information and Electronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;
A Lossy Compression Algorithm Based on DFT for Working Parameters of Oil Well
LIU Jian-yan;GUO Zhe;LIU Na;ZHANG Yan-mei;School of Information and Electronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Burst Signal Detection and Estimation in Low SNR and High-Dynamic Environments
CUI Song-qi;AN Jian-ping;WANG Ai-hua;HUANG Yan-dong;WANG Yuan;School of Information and Electronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Simulation and Implementation of FPGA for OFDM Base Band System
WU Hong;LI Zi-yu;ZHAO Ying-xin;CHEN Kun;JIAO Peng;College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering;Nankai University;Tianjin Key Laboratory of Photonics Materials and Technology for Information Science;Nankai University;
Performance Analysis and Improvement About WFQ and WRR Schedule Algorithm
LI Bing-quan;ZHANG Song;WANG Zhao-wei;XU Shan-feng;China Academy of Electronic and Information Technology;
Waveform Design with Stopband and Low Range Sidelobes
SHEN Dong;ZHANG Lin-rang;ZHOU Yu;LIU Xin;National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian University;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;
Isolation and Structural Identification of Lignans fromDregea sinensis Hemsl
JIA Shao-hua;L Fang;DAI Rong-ji;MENG Wei-wei;CHEN Yan;DENG Yu-lin;School of Life Science;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing BIT&GY Pharmaceutical R&D Co.Ltd.;