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Beijing Journal of Stomatology
2013 Issue 1
Nasometer stability for evaluating the Mandarin adult speech at different time intervals
GAO Tao;MA Lian;LUO Yi;SUN Yong-gang
Inhibitory effect of arsenic trioxide on oral cancer cell xenografted model in nude mice
SU Ying;GE Li-hua;MIAO Cong-cong;ZHANG Min;ZHANG Xin-yan
Clinical observation of food impaction in the ending tooth with full crown restoration
DONG Ling;FANG Bi-song;WEN Ying
A preliminary study of combined application of two different fluidity silicone impression materials in piezography neutral zone impression
DONG Jian;XU Li-li;LV Ya-lin;ZHANG Wei;GUO Jiang-gui;ZHANG Fei-yu;YIN Jian
Tissue-engineered bone composed of human dental pulp stem cells and gelatin scaffolds
LI Jing-hui;LIU Da-yong;ZHANG Fang-ming;WANG Fan;ZHANG Wen-kui;ZHANG Zhen-ting
xin xi dong tai
ben ke sheng ya ti ya sui shi xi jiao xue zhong de wen ti yu dui ce fen xi
shi bao jiang ; xu ai feng ; hou ben xiang
The relationship between thickness and transmitted light of the condensation silicone rubber
MA Li-li;ZENG Jian-yu;MAO Chen-hui
The role of NFκB signaling pathway in inflamed stem cells from apical papilla
DU Juan;DU Juan;FAN Zhi-peng
Association of polymorphisms with periodontitis in Type 2 diabetes mellitus
LU Yi;SHI Sheng-gen;NIU Zhong-ying;BAO Bo;FENG Kai;XU Zhangrong
Effect of phosvitin on human dental pulp cell proliferation
GE Li-hua;ZHANG Min;ZHANG Hai-yan;LI Yu-jing
Squamous cell carcinoma arising from keratocystic odontogenic tumors (a review of five cases)
ZHANG Jun;CHEN Rui-yang;XU Zhen-qi
ya lie zhong du mo hao huan zhe de yao he zhong jian xiu fu
zhou zuo li ; zheng dong xiang
er tong ya ke xing wei guan li wen ti de yan jiu xian zhuang
gao yan xia ; zhu hong