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Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology(Natural Science Edition)
1986 Issue 2
Kinetic Study of the Esterification of Phthalic Anhydride with 2-ethylhexanol (Ⅰ)
Qi Yizheng;Feng Yuanding;Yu Yusuan;Ye Haiping and Xu Shengjuan
Applications of Adaptive Control in Simple Chemical Processes
Zhao Xiaoming
Calculation of Non-Newtonian Flow Index "n" of Rubber Compound by Microcomputer
Qiu Hong;Chen Hua;Zhou Yanhao and Li Peijin
Reduction Kinetic Study of Cupric System Catalysts by TPR
Duan Xue;Gao Zhengzhong and wang Qi
Research on Technique for Measuring Centrifuge Drum Stress with Electrical-Resistance Strain Gauges
Yang Longxiang and Gao Shuzhi Department of Mechanical Engineering
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