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Journal of Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology
2015 Issue 4
A Retrieval Technology of Hand Drawn Sketch
YE Pei;LIU Zheng-dong;Computer Information Centre;Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology;
zhang ji rui
di ying ;
Creation of a Virtual National Costume Museum
MENG Zi-chen;LIU Ya-xia;School of Information Engineering;Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology;
Fabric Defect Detection Based on Cross-Correlation of the Hilbert Marginal Spectrum
WANG Shuai-jun;YUAN Ye;LI Dan-hua;School of Information Engineering;Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology;
Study on the Design Method of Sleeve Pattern
ZHANG Li-na;LIU Juan;College of Fashion Art and Engineering;Beijng Institute of Fashion Technology;
Study on Designing Trends of Shirts for Men Based on E-commerce Platform
HONG Wen-jin;WU Yan;WU Xiao-yi;Zhejiang Hengdian Movie & Video Vocational College;Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education Eco-textile;Jiangnan University;
Research on the Shoulder and Back Pressure Comfort of Combat Uniform Based on AHP Method
ZHAO Wei;ZHOU Yong-kai;ZHANG Hua;School of Clothing Art and Engineering;Beijng Institute of Fashion Technology;The Quartermaster Research Institute of the General Logistics Department;PLA;
Correspondence Analysis of Consumer Demand on Jeans of Young Men
DONG Min;ZHOU Ying;JIANG Hui-yu;Math & Computer Institute;Wuhan Textile University;Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Institute;Wuhan Textile University;
Investigation on the Application Status of Active Firefighter’s Clothing
CUI Lin-lin;Jiangxi Centre for Modem Apparel Engineering and Technology;Jangxi Institute of Fashion Technology;
Determination of As(Ⅲ) in Textile by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry Via As(Ⅲ) Hydride Generation
CUI Cheng-min;NIE Jin-mei;CUI Xin-mei;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology;Beijing Key Laboratory of Clothing Materials R&D and Assessment;Clothing Safety Research & Testing Center;Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology;
Preparation and Photocatalytic Properties of Composite Polyimide Films Doped with SnO2/Cr2O3
HUO Xin-tong;WU Zhan-peng;LI Qing;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing University of Chemical Technology;
Study on the Influence of Characteristics of Metals on Catalyzing Polycondensation and Thermal Properties of PET
LI Yun-peng;HUANG Guan-bao;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology;
Preparation of Composite Electromagnetic Shielding Fabrics by Plating Cu-Ni-P Alloy on Polyester Surface
WEI Zuo-hong;XU Li-hui;TAN Guo-deng;Shanghai Bada Textiles Co.;Ltd.;College of Fashion;Shanghai University of Engineering Science;