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Journal of Beihua University(Social Sciences)
2014 Issue 3
Comparative Study of Chinese Characters and Words Based on Language Situation in China
GUO Shu-lun;,LI Kai-tuo;,MA Xuan-si;
On the City-wide Relationship between the Urbanization and Economic Development in China
LIU Lian-mei;,WANG Han;,ZHANG Hong-yan;
Management Experience of Street Vendors in Foreign Cities and Inspiration
XIN Kai-xuan;,YUAN Zheng;
On Building Competitive Advantage of the E-commerce Agency-Operation
LUO Juan-juan;,XU Zhong-sheng;
Reform of Merit Pay System in Public Institutions
On the Origin and the Rise and Fall of Duan Xianbei
WEI Jun-jie;
Overviews on Minority's Stone-Inscription Culture in Jilin Province
SU Ying;,ZHANG Lin;
dong bei kang lian ge qu qu diao kao yuan
wu gong shan ;
Research Summary of Micro-blog for Politic Commenting
HU Ling-yan;
ren wu jie shao
tou gao zhi nan
Approaches to Enhance MTI Students' Translation Abilities
WANG Da-wei;,WEI Qing-guang;