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The Northern Forum
2005 Issue 6
On soft environment of private enterprise
MA Li-ying
On the shape of gathering crime in information field
GAO De-sheng
wo guo po chan fa lv li nian de wu qu ji qi zhong su
ding jian jun
Rationality, freedom and liberation of people
ZHANG Li-min
Shi Zhong : unique masterpiece
CAO Xi-xiu
Liye Qinjian and the Prefectural System of the Qin Dynasty
HUANG Hai-lie
YueJi And Confucian "Xing, Guan, Qun, Yuan"
Probing into the writing time of FuRongTing Music Bureau
The character of literary history
SUN Mu-han
bei fang lun cong 2005 nian zong mu lu
On the thought origin of John Dewey's "democratic community"
KONG Xiang-tian
A Study on the rural cooperative of the Republic of China
LI Yu-min
Some says about sememe analysis and its puzzle
LIU Gui-fang;YANG Xiao-min
The analysis of medium cultural effection
HONG Nian-de