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Journal of Anshan Normal University
2003 Issue 4
Extreme value of pluralistic function and values application
long li ; huang yu jie
New method of extreme value of function of several variables
zhao ya ming ; yang yu min
Confirmation and analysis on marginal utility
deng gui ju ; gan nai feng
Solution of kind of second-order variable coefficient differential equation
qu li min ; liu hui min
Course construction and reform characteristics of ordinary differential equations
liu hui min ; li hai long ; na wen zhong ; zhang chun
Application of constructionism in teaching and method of enlightenment on physics
chang xiao qi ; ni cheng jin
Study on bilingual education of specialized subject
du yun hui ; zhang li zhong
Control methods on pipe water pressure supplied by numerous water resources
li pei qing ; zheng bao chang ; zhao pu
Discussion of teaching method of college physics
xiao hong fei ; li ping
Analysis of chemistry constituents of Lonicera Similis Hemsl on anti-virus chinese traditional medicine
hou dong yan ; hui rui hua ; yang mei ; guo hua ; zhu yong qiang
Direct R/W screen to access image on VGA
sun hong yan ; wu xiao ning
Discuss about second exploitation of Office
zhou li zhi
Several security policy on layer of network and application
zhao ming zuo ; li tie nan
Development of mini-district information service system based on UML
liu yan ; tang hong gang ; you yong tao
Research on testing plan of computer software system
liang zuo
Design of multiple channel sampling system based on FPGA
ma feng ming ; zhang yi ning
Construct family lan
tang hong gang ; li yan
Reasonable method of encouragement in physical teaching
qiu zhong liang
Investigation of wild plants resources in Qianshan area
hui rui hua ; chen xin ; hou dong yan ; li tie chun ; guan chong xin ; shi tie jin
Determination of the total content of flavones in Qianshan Semen Cassiacs
zhang lan jie ; zhang wei hua ; zheng hong jun
Analysis of volatiles from Tianjin stylish celery seed by GC/MS
zhang jie li ; zhang sheng biao ; wang jun ; li tie chun ; hou dong yan
Marine resources and its continuous development
liu hai bo ; fu ying
Application of modeling by UML in fire-fighting supervising system
zhang tong jun ; li yong ; dong ming zhe
Behavioral data forensics & intrusion detection systems
liu xiao yue ; lai guo ming