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Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
2010 Issue 11
On Anti-metaphysical Traits of Nietzsche\'s Philosophy
HU Cheng-en
Hakai:A Typical Japanese Bildungsroman
CHEN Ting-ting
A Study of the Words in Yuanqu
A Philological Analysis of Huizhou Genealogy
Huangmei Opera and Research in Its Industrial Development
ZHAO Xiao-he
On LI Xun\'s The Local Gazetteer of the Prefecture of Anqing
WANG Chang-lin;ZHA Xiao-bo
kai kuo shi ye de su nan nong cun he shang hai shi kao cha
tan chuan jie
The Blueprint for El Dorado in Julius Caesar
HU Cheng
tu di cheng bao jing ying quan zhu ti zhi du de wan shan
jiao shao lin
The Development Logic and Future Trend of Mathematical Logic
WANG Li-gang