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Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
2001 Issue 2
Effect of the Different Durations in Rice Nursery on Rice Yield
hu run ; xu guang rong ; lu xiang lin
Study on Fertility of Japonica Rice PGMS Line 103s and its Multiplication Zhou Changhai et al
zhou chang hai ; wang bao he ; bai he sheng
The Effect of Dotomite Application on Wheat Growth and Yield in Acid Red-yellow Soil
wang wen jun ; wu ji ; wang yun qing ; li xiao yong
Effect of Foliar-Heshifeng on Sweet Potato with Virus Free
shi xin min ; guo xiao ding
Effect of Fertilizer Contained with Herbicide on Weeds Control and Wheat Growth in the Wheat Field
li lu jiu ; zhang lin ; li wen gao ; yin xiong
Primary Study on the Effect of the Different Foliar Application on Rice Growth
zhang an cun ; zhou feng ming ; chen su fang ; lu xiao li
Preliminary Report on the Experiment in the Fertilizer Efficiency of the Compost Made of Stalks
chai wen bei ; liu da qing ; zhou fu hong ; liu zuo she
Study on the Damage Efficiency of Ion Beam Implantation on the Present Generation of the Rice
zheng le zuo ; wu yue jin ; wu jing de
Study on the Development Characters and Yield of Dry-land Rice
guo xun bin ; xia guang hong ; tan chang le ; liu xiao bin ; kong xiang dou
Study on Mathematic Model of the Integrated Technology in Late-season Rice Growth
liu jian ; xu shao an ; zhou gen you
The Experiment in Waxy Corn for Fresh Food
hu yu ping ; xu bao qing ; luo du hua ; hu wen xiu ; zhao yan
Research Progress of Rice Grain Type and its Inheritance
yang lian song ; bai yi song ; xu chuan wan ; hu xing ming ; wang wu mei ; zuo de hong ; chen gui zhi
The Identification, Rule and Orientation of Modification of the Agriculture Structure
zhang yi feng ; wang you feng ; zhou li
Research on the Application of Water Holding Agent into Cotton and Maize in Jianghuai Region
liu ying ; wang yun qing ; ye shu zuo ; li lu jiu ; kuang jing
Breeding of New Soybean Variety Hedou No.1
zhang lei ; dai zuo he ; li jie kun ; huang zhi ping
Breeding and Application of the Two-line Japonica Hybrid Rice Combination—40 You 04
zhang pei jiang ; sun ming ; bai yi song ; yang lian song ; xu chuan wan ; zhan xin chun
Study on the Damage and Control Index of Rice Leaf Folder
liang jia rong ; liu shu fa
Study on Wheat as the Food for the Existence and Nutrient of Cotton Worm Boll
wang xue lin ; wu zhen ting ; zhou dong sheng
Preliminary Research onCallitettixversicolor Fafr
cai ling ; xu lai jie
Preliminary Study on the Relationship between the Popularity of Rice Blast and the Damaged Degree
chen guan hao ; liang sheng ming ; liu guan bo
The Damage and Control of Sun Euphorbia in Wheat Field
zhang jun xi ; chen lei ; wang hai yang ; chou cai yun
Prdliminary Study on the Occurrence Principle lf Aphids Wheat Field
zhang feng ; wang wei xin
The Chemical Efficiency of50%Baitianjing on Weeds'Control in Rice Field
fang xiang qun ; fang hai wei ; yu hong bin ; wang long ; hu chun ming ; yan hong fu
The Toxicity Examination and Chemical Efficiency of 40% Sha Jin
liu huai a ; ji chun ming ; xu yi bin ; chen feng zhen ; zhang ai jun ; liu qin ; su jian kun
The Chemical Efficiency of 50% Baitianjing and its Mixture Products on Weeds' Control in Directly Sowing Rice Field
sun jun ming ; xia zuo ; wei gang ; lin shan chang ; xu tai jie ; ling wan kai
The Chemical Efficiency of Rice Seeds Soaked with Shibaike on the Control of Fusarium Blight of Rice Plant
liu guo hua ; sun ji ming ; xu you liang ; ren shou mei ; ju zhao rong ; gu peng zhan
Weed Control in Paddy of Mechanically Throwing Seedling of Rice
jiang hong hui ; jin pei fu ; yu liu qing
Preliminary Study on the Coordination Development of Agri-industrialization and Rural Civilization
zhang yun chun ; wang zhen qi ; wang wei
Thinking about the Agricultural Sustaining Development
Huang Chuanjie
Effects of Temperature on the Fertility of Indica Rice TGMS Line 2301S
wang shou hai ; du shi yun ; li cheng zuo ; wang de zheng ; luo yan chang ; wu shuang
The Variation of Leaf Type and Purity Identification of Several Watermelon Materials
li ming wang ; zhu zong he ; wang an dong ; yao xiao feng ; yang zhong sheng ; cheng dong sheng ; yin shu xia
The Characters and Cultivated Tecdhniques with High-yield of Rice Combination--Peiai64×E32
xie chang wen ; he ze an ; xie deng you
Study on the Effect of Chemical Hybridizing SC2053 on Wheat
chen jiu yue ; xie cheng yu ; liu zheng xu
Preliminary Study on the Mathematics Model of the Cultivated Techniques of Wheat Variety-Wanmai No.30
hu ya min ; feng jia chun ; deng he ming ; yang yong hua ; zheng jun ; zhang gui fang
Purification and Identification of Rubisco in Wheat
li wei fang ; yao xiao qun ; wang zhong
Analysis of Tillering Ability and Panicle Formation of Wheat Variety-Wanmai No.19
yang jie ; zhang yu tong
Study on the Yield Stability of Hybrid Corn
li meng ; chen hong jian ; chen xian ping ; zhou guang cheng ; zhang yu tong ; shi xiao lin
Analysis of Ecological Stability of Six Maize Hybrids
zhou guang cheng ; chen xian ping ; li meng ; zhang yu tong
Studies on Pathogenicity of Metalaxyl-resistant Isolation of Phytophthora Caprice to Capsicum
qi ren de ; ding jian cheng ; gu jiang tao ; gao zhi mou ; yue yong de
Effect of Girdling and GA3 on Fruit Development and Quality of `Fujiminori'Grape
wu jun ; zhong jia huang ; xu kai ; wei qin ping ; wei zhen lin
The Efficacy of Bio-pesticide-Ruixing Against Vegetable Pests
xu jian ; wang hong zhen ; su jian kun ; zhu jin lei
Study on the Control Index of Leaf Miner Damaging Cucumber
wang wei xin ; zhu hong jun
The Occurrence Principle and Control Techniques of Physalospora Canker of Pear
yue lan ju ; jiang jin
Study on the Characters of Pine Tree with High Content of Fat
xu liu yi ; yu zuo kui
Effect of the Weight and Type Index of Chicken Egg on its Hatching Rate
su shi guang ; xu yue ying ; qin hao liang ; qian chang yin
Effect of Zinc-methionine and Calcium Level on Performance of Broilers
yu ze peng ; wu jin qiang
Effect of Compound Chinese Medicine Preparations on Preventing Early Weaned Stress Syndrome of Piglets
wu jin jie ; zhang xiao rong ; wang yong ; liu you shui ; cai liang qing
Surgery for Curing Goat Diseases
zuo shao de ; wang guo chun
Study on the Development and Growth Characters of Crossing Goat
ren shou wen ; zhang hao ; li sai ming ; xuan yi qun ; yang bing jian ; mo ya ; lei guang jin
Investigation of Pig's Parasites
Zhu Maoying
Technical Strategies for Improvement Usability of Upper Leaves of Flue-cured Tobacco in Anhui
wang neng ru ; wang dong sheng
Preliminary Study on the Baking Characters of Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties
tang jing xiang ; sun jing quan ; ren si hai ; di song wei ; he hou min
Key Agronomic Practices for Increasing Usability of the Flue-cured Leaf in Anhui
sun jing quan ; tang jing xiang ; ren si hai
Normalization of the Technique of Organic Tea for its Development in Anhui
fei ming zuo ; wang hong shu
Preliminary Experiment in Duck Raising in Rice Field
zhu ke ming ; shen xiao kun ; xie tong zhou ; dai wang cheng ; chen liang gen ; gao jin cheng ; wu jian qiang ; yang yu jun ; chen jian wei ; xu gang
Effect of Moisture in Soil on Jiaokulan Tea Growth
sun feng ; guo chuan gui ; yang yao ling