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Journal of Anhui Agricultural University
2016 Issue 2
Changes of catechins and theaflavins in Ann tea during processing and storage
NING Jingming;ZHANG Chunquan;ZHANG Zhengzhu;State Key Laboratory of Tea Plant Biology and Utilization;Anhui Agricultural University;
Density and characterization of EST-SSR in tea(Camellia sinensis) bud and leaf transcriptome
CHEN Qi;YANG Hua;WEI Chaoling;ZHANG Zhengzhu;WAN Xiaochun;State Key Laboratory of Tea Plant Biology and Utilization;Anhui Agricultural University;School of Science;Anhui Agricultural University;
Leaching characteristics of soil organic carbon in tea plantations at different planting ages
WANG Yandan;YANG Changliang;XU Guofu;LI Shiyu;CHEN Guiming;LIU Bin;LIU Xitong;YANG Haiyan;College of Ecology and Environment;Yunnan University;Economic Crop Workstation in Xinping County of Yunnan Province;College of Urban Construction and Management;Yunnan University;
Extraction of polysaccharides from Hovenia acerba Lind I. by optimization enzymolysis and response surface methodology and its antioxidant capacity
YE Wenbin;FAN Liang;School of Agriculture and Forestry Technology;Longnan Teachers College;
Characterization of linoleic acid isomerase from different Lactobacillus
FAN Xiangzhen;XU Erni;School of Life Science;Nanchang University;School of Food Science;Nanchang University;
Spatial and temporal characteristics of photosynthetic capacity and nutrient concentrations in different canopy layers of poplar I-69
SHE Chengqi;MA Yongchun;SHAO Shuli;Extension Station-general of Forestry Science and Technology;Lushan Nature Reserve Management Bureau of Jiangxi;
Effect of water and nitrogen treatment on photosynthetic characteristics and the biomass allocation of annual cutting seedling of Machilus pauhoi
WU Yonghong;WANG Linghong;CHENG Dongliang;XU Chaobin;ZHANG Zhongrui;LI Jing;ZHONG Quanlin;College of Geographical Sciences;Fujian Normal University;Forestry Bureau of Ji’an County;State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Humid Subtropical Mountain Ecology;Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology;Fujian Normal University;
Effect of low temperature stress on physiological characteristics of seedlings of four landscape species
WANG Zhuomin;ZHOU Tongtong;XUE Li;XU Jianxin;College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture;South China Agricultural University;Shenzhen Techand Ecology & Environment CO.;LTD;
Effects of UF(urea formaldehyde resin) and heat treatments on the main physical properties of Plectocomia kerrana and Plectocomia himalayana
YANG Shumin;LI Dan;ZHANG Feifei;WANG Youhong;XU Bin;TU Daowu;ZHU Chenqin;MA Chao;International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan;School of Forestry & Landscape Architecture;Anhui Agricultural University;
Morphological plasticity of Indocalamus decorus Q. H. Dai in the heterogeneous environment
GAO Guibin;WU Zhizhuang;PAN Yanhong;DING Xingcui;ZHONG Hao;TIAN Xinli;China National Bamboo Research Center;Key Laboratory of High Efficient Processing of Bamboo of Zhejiang Province;
Polyethylene glycol fractionation improved detection of low-abundant proteins by two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis of Dendrocalamopsis oldhami proteome
SHEN Shaoyan;WU Yuxiang;LONG Zhihui;RONG Jundong;HE Tianyou;CHEN Liguang;ZHENG Yushan;College of Landscape;Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;Institute of Bamboo;Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;
Crack resistance and pericarp structure of Jujube germplasm from Anhui Province
ZHOU Junyong;SUN Qibao;SUN Jun;LU Lijuan;YU Feifei;GAO Shan;Horticulture Research Institute;Anhui Academy of Agriculture Science;College of Horticulture;Anhui Agricultural University;Anhui Academy of Agriculture Science;
Effect of bacillus agent on nutrients and enzyme activities in continuous cropping soil of Huai’an red pepper
REN Xuqin;PAN Guoqing;PENG Li;XU Xu;MA Junyang;HE Jing;Huaiyin Institute of Technology;Academician Zhao Qiguo’s Workstation;
Occurrence and control of green plant bug, Apolygus lucorum, in chrysanthemum plantations in Tongxiang city, Zhejiang Province
WANG Mengxin;HAN Shanjie;ZHANG Jiahui;SHEN Xuegen;ZHOU Jiansong;HAN Baoyu;Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Biometrology and Inspection & Quarantine;College of Life Sciences;China Jiliang University;Extention Center for Agricultural Techniques of Tongxiang City;
Effect of exogenous mercury addition on soil microbial populations
SHAN Ping;WU Zhenwei;GE Gaofei;Anhui Environmental Monitoring Center;Biotechnology Center;Anhui Agricultural University;
Adsorption of prochloraz on four clay minerals
WU Liang;GONG Daoxin;ZHANG Xiaodong;NIE Hongying;College of Resource and Environment;Hunan Agricutural University;Institute of Agricutural Environmental Protection;College of Bioscience and Biotechnology;Hunan Agricutural University;
Influence of biomass ash as a kind of soil amendment on acidity and fertility of red earth
GU Jianyun;CUI Jian;ZHOU Jing;HUANG Jieying;XU Lei;TAO Zhihui;ZHANG Ligan;School of Resources and Environment;Anhui Agricultural University;Institute of Soil Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;National Engineering Research and Technology Center for Red Soil Improvement;Red Soil Ecological Experiment Station;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Effect of nonylphenol on Scenedesmus quadricanda growth and colony formation
LIU Lili;SUN Kaifeng;LI Yucheng;WANG Ning;WANG Cheng;DUAN Shunshan;Jianghuai College;Anhui University;Research Centre of Hydrobiology;Key Laboratory of Aquatic Eutrophication and Control of Harmful Algal Blooms of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes;Jinan University;School of Resources and Environmental Engineering;Anhui University;School of Life Sciences;Anhui Agricultural University;
Ecological characteristics of the surrounding vegetation resources in Qinxin coal mines, Shanxi Province
LI Dingfu;College of Earth Science and Resources;China University of Geosciences;The County Party Committee of Qinyuan;
Investigation of the heavy metal concentration in the soil and indigenous plants around coal gangue dump
YANG Yonghong;ZHU Xiuhong;RU Guangxin;LI Hanshu;HOU Ting;College of Forestry;Henan Agricultural University;
Protective role of theanine on tobacco seedlings under low potassium stress
LIU Yanhong;SHAN Dandan;LIU Song;YOU Benwu;GUO Jiaming;CHEN Xueping;Department of Tobacco Leaf;Anhui Tobacco Company;Tobacco and Health Research Center;University of Science and Technology of China;
Study on BABA-induced resistance to drought stress in tobacco
LIU Song;XIAO Xianyi;LIU Ziwei;LU Xuelian;YOU Benwu;GUO Jiaming;HE Kuanxin;CHEN Xueping;Tobacco and Health Research Center;University of Science and Technology of China;Jiangxi Tobacco Company;
Relationship between dry matter accumulation and N, P, K absorption and distribution in common buckwheat
WANG Yu;KONG Dezhang;ZHANG Yu;SONG Yuxue;ZHAO Quan;HUANG Kaifeng;Technology Research Center of Buckwheat Industry;Guizhou Normal University;
Effect of ethyl-acetate extract from Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt on intestinal microbiota in type 2 diabetes mice
LONG Mei;ZHNG Kainan;RAN Xinjian;YANG Ying;TONG Lei;LI Qingcheng;MAO Xinmin;LI Linlin;Function Center Lab;Xinjiang Medical University;School of Clinical Medicine;Xinjiang Medical University;College of Tradtional Chinese Medicine;Xinjiang Medical University;Department of Pharmacology;Xinjiang Medical University;
Extraction and analysis of genomic DNA from body surface mucus of ricefield eel(Monopterusalbus)
HU Bin;CAO Zheming;DING Weidong;BING Xuwen;Wuxi Fisheries College;Nanjing Agricultural University;Fisheries Research Center;Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences;
Comparison of feather microstructure between male and female hazel grouses(Bonasa bonasia)
HOU Senlin;Nanjing Forest Police College;
Identification of NDV in Lanzhou and prokaryotic expression of M protein
HE Zhibo;LIU Jun;HU Yonghao;College of Veterinary Medicine;Gansu Agricultural University;
Effect of mattress firmness on body pressure distribution in different body types
FANG Fei;SHEN Liming;GUO Yuan;College of Furniture and Industrial Design;Nanjing Forestry University;Mathias International Design College;Chongqing Jiaotong University;
Identification of maize leaf diseases based on image technology
QI Zhao;JIANG Zhaohui;YANG Chunhe;LIU Lianzhong;RAO Yuan;School of Information and Computer;Anhui Agricultural University;
A test of breaking mechanical properties of pecan shell
SUN Si;CAO Chengmao;LOU Shuaishuai;DING Ran;School of Engineering;Anhui Agricultural University;