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Journal of Anhui Agricultural University
2012 Issue 2
Recognition of displacement and calibration of capacity charts of alcohol tanks
YUE Yi;SHENG Kai-yan;NIU Huan;SUN Chao;WU Yun-zhi;LIU Geng-he
Effects of baking temperature on quality of oolong tea
JIANG Shan;NING Jing-ming;FANG Shi-hui;XIA Tao;LU Wen-jing;WEI Huan
Distribution and identification of cereal cyst nematodes on wheat in Anhui Province, China
TAO Ling;WU Hui-ping;PENG De-liang;WU Xiang-hui;ZHANG Sheng
Effect of Puer tea on LPS induced secretion of IL-6 from macrophage
YU Hai-shuang;WANG Xuan-jun;SONG Shuang;LI Dong-qing;WANG Han;HAO Shu-mei;SHENG Jun
QSAR of 3-isothiazolinone compounds using artificial neural network
HE Qin;HUANG Bao-jun;LI Gong-chun
Effects of NaCl stress on tomato growth and yield
WU Ju;LIN Jie;YANG Fei;YE Zhou-hua;BAO Wei-ju;YING Hai-liang
Effects of morphometric traits on body weight for juvenile Polyodon spathuln
YUAN Mei-yun;LIU Shuang-feng;WANG Zu-chen;LI De-peng;DONG Hong-wei
Spatial distribution pattern of Adoxophyes honmai larvae and sampling technique
CHEN Xiang-yang;TANG Xin-sheng;ZOU Yun-ding;WANG Wen-jun
Effects of four additives on the growth, digestive enzyme activity, antioxidant ability of allogynogenetic crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio)
HE Ji-xiang;LI Hai-yang;HU Wang;AN Tin-shuang;JIANG Ye-lin;WU Ming-lin
Separation and determination of fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines by high performance capillary electrophoresis
SHEN Hu-qin;TAN Hua-rong;QI Ke-zong;TIAN Chun-qiu
Analysis of tendency rates of temperature in the North of Anhui Province
YUAN Xin-tian;XU Guang-lai;XU Guo-wei
Research progress on vitellogenin gene of crustaceans
SHUI Yan;ZHOU Xin;XU Zeng-hong;ZHAO Chao-yang
Influence of different site conditions on the wood physical properties of Alnus formosana
YANG Yong-qian;LUO Cheng-de;WANG Jin-xi;XIAO Hui
Effect of dehydration degree and weight of substrate on the growth and physiological characteristics of Camellia oleifera container seedlings
HU Juan-juan;CAO Zhi-hua;SHU Qing-long;WEN Jia;ZHANG Xin;LI Chun-sheng;ZHAN Wen-yong
The heterozygosity in the 5 \' regulatory region and exon 13 ofPRKAG3 gene in five goat breeds
JIN Hai;CHEN Hong-quan;HUANG Sheng-qiang;QIN Jie;REN Chun-huan;ZHU Yin-jian;JIAO Ming-hui;PAN Zhong-ting;XIE Ya-nan;CHEN Gong-wei;CHU Ming-xing
Leaf nitrogen and phosphorous stoichiometry of trees in Pinus tabulaeformis Carr stands, North China
ZHANG Ye;REN Yi-xing;YAO Jing;LI Ying;YANG Song;HOU Ji-hua
Application of the eye movement technique in innovative design of furniture
Effect of pollinizers on fruit growth and endogenous hormones contents of Dangshansu pear
PAN Hai-fa;ZHANG Ang;GAO Zheng-hui;HANG Jin-yun;YI Xing-kai;XU Yi-liu
Polymorphisms of exon 3 of MHC class Ⅱ B gene in six populations of commom carp (Cyprinus carpio)
MIN Xia;JIA Zhi-ying;LI Chi-tao;LI Fei;SHI Lian-yu
Genetic diversity of six meat goat breeds revealed by fluorescent microsatellite markers
LING Ying-hui;ZHANG Xiao-dong;DING Jian-ping;ZHANG Yun-hai;CHEN Hong-quan;ZHANG Zi-jun;SUN Zhi-hui;REN Chun-huan;MA Yue-hui;ZHANG Xiao-rong
Genetic transformation of GmFerritin in maize (Zea mays L.)
LI Xiao-li;WANG Jian-jun;CUI Rui-jie;XIE Chuan-xiao;DUAN Yun-ping
Effects of silvicultural treatments on physical and mechanical properties ofPinus elliottii
LUO Zhen-fu;ZHANG Xue-feng;LU Bu-yun;PAN Biao;YAN Xiao-hong
Analysis of the value of faunal presence of fish in the Lixian River
YANG Li-ping;YANG Qin;LI Qi-sheng;ZHOU Wei
Design of cushioning structure for transport package of fresh eggs
SHU Zu-ju;LIU Sheng-quan;LI Rui;HUQin-qin;WEI Xue-jing
Cloning and sequence analysis of the Dvbltl01 gene and it\'s promoter from Dasypyrum villosum
HE Hua-gang;PAN Wei;REN Xin-long;SUN Wei-hong;ZHU Shan-ying;BIE Tong-de
Phenotypic analysis and 16S rDNA PCR-RFLP of rhizobial strains isolated from Glycine max etc
WANG Jing;LIU Lei;LIANG Fang;OU Ming-li;LIU Shao-jia;HU Yu-ying;YANG Fan;HAN Su-zhen