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Journal of Anhui Agricultural University
2001 Issue 2
Research and Progress on Lipoxygenase
cao hui ; wang yong zhang ; du jun jie ; lan yan ping
A Promotion to Modern Education Based on Information Network Technology
CHENG Wen-juan;CHEN Dong-fang
Investigation on Postembryonic Growth of Apis mellifera L.
YU Lin-sheng;MENG Xiang-jin
Effect of β-Casomorphin on Serum FSH,LH and T Levels in Male Goats
WU Jin-Jie;ZHANG Xiao-rong;TAO Yong
Estimation of Genetic Variance of Quantitative Trait Based on Polymorphic Gene Locus
CHEN Hong-quan;YING Zong-jun;DU Zhi-qiang
Influence on Vitality of Acremonium Terricola by Some Preserving Methods
LI Chun-ru;GENG De-gui;FAN Mei-zhen;LI Zeng-zhi
Study on Control of Kiwifruit Bacterial Canker
LI Yao;CHENG He-Yuan;QIAN Zi-hua;FANG Shu-miao
Effects of Feeding of Two Kinds of Planthoppers on the Content of Amino Acid in Rice Plants
WANG Rong-fu;ZHAO Guo-rong;DING Zhen-qian
Preliminary Study of Water-remaining Reagent with Plenty of Functions on Drought Resistant Effects of Crops Selected
MA You-hua;WANG Guang-hai;CHENG Yi;ZHANG Li-gan;JIANG Jun
Establishment of Sunan Soter Database and Its Application on Paddy Soil Productivity Evaluation
ZHANG Ding-xiang;YU Dong-sheng;SHI Xue-zheng
Laboulbeniales from Tibet of China (Ⅰ)
ZHANG Ai-lin;SHEN Ya-heng;LI Tai-hui;SONG Bin
Development of Safe Escaping Skylight for Buses
Measurement of Sound Intensity and Its Utilization in Spotting the Noise Source within Vehicles
WANG Ji-xian;FENG Neng-lian;CAI Zeng-hua
The Measuring System for the Parched Crop Seeds
ZHU Zhang-qing;YANG Qing-shu;KONG Wei
Development of 2ZP-3Type Rice Seedling Throwing Machine
WANG Ji-xian;PAN Xin-jie
Study on Development of Anhui Ginkgo's Industry
DING Zhi-en
Affecting Factors on the Proliferation of Test-tube Lily Bulb
FU Yu-lan;HE Feng-chun
Loss Assessment of Stand Volume of Masson Pine Plantations Infected by Pine Nematode (Bursaphlenchus xylophilus)
SHU Qing-long;LU Chuang-hai;HAN Bin;YANG Guang-dao;WANG Qing-qian;TANG Jian;JIANG Li-ya
Investigation on the Parasites in the Goats of Shushan Region
TAO Yong;LI Pei-ying;TAO Xiao-ping;JU Shu-cun;LIU Ya