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Journal of Anhui Institute of Architecture & Industry(Natural Science)
2010 Issue 6
Development of technology and equipment of Bag Duty Filter
YAO Yan-sheng;YUAN Gen-fu;CHEN Xue-hui;MA Yu-ping;LI Yi-xin;XIE Li-xun
The Effect of ring stiffeners on Wiggins gasholder\'s stability
WANG Xiu-li;Zhao Ru-hai
Studies on improved modal pushover analysis
SUN Yang;FENG Zhong-qi
Application analysis of hybrid ground-source heat pump system in Hefei
ZHANG Hu;CHEN Hai-feng
Based on the blind number to calculate the river water environmental carrying capacity
GAO Su-di;ZHU Rong;JING Lian-hui
Research on COCOMO improvement of regressive analysis
LI Lan;HU Xue-gang
The application of 3S technology in land consolidation
ZHOU Li-li;SHI Gui-gang