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Anhui Chemical Industry
2008 Issue 2
an hui hua gong zheng gao yao ze
niao su gao ya he cheng ta de fu shi kong zhi
zuo xi ying ; ji fang
Optimization of Energy Structure to Improve Air Environmental Quality
LIU Li-jin;ZHA Xiao-ming;HE Yong
Bioremediation and Monitoring of Aromatic-polluted Habitats
ZHANG Guang-zhu;LIU Jun-hong;LIU Hai-zhou
Prospects for Development and Application of Slow Release Fertilizers
FU Gui-zhen;YANG San-ban;QIU Hong-sheng
Review of the Phase Equlibria on the Natlural Gas Hydrate at Home
AN Qing;XU Wei-xiu
Distribution and Cause of Sulfur in Coal
CA Xin-xin;LIU Fei;GA Yan-fang;QI Wen-yan;HUANG Ding-guo
Study on the Prescription of 40.6%Avermectin·Propargite in Microemulsion
CAI Bi-qiong;NI Su-mei;LIN Jia-liang;YU Qing-jun
Preparation of Avermectin 1.8%EW
ZHENG Cai-hua
Study on the Ingredlents of Kresoxim-methyl 50%WDG
YANG Yao-wu
zao qi chui feng qi yu re de hui shou
zhou zi ye
Preparation of Nano-catalysts FeOZrO2/Al2O3
CAO Wei-hua
Study on Technology of Extracting Totall Flavonoid and Luteolin from Peanut Hulls
HUANG Shou-zheng;HU Rong-feng
Synthesis of Bis(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl)Hexanedioate
WANG Lei;PAN Zhong-wen;GAO Hai-xia
Study on Magnesium Hydroxide Sulfate Hydrate-whisker Flame Retardant Polyethylene/ethylene-vinyl Acetate Composites
LU Hong-dian;SHA Jian-guo;YU Xiao-ling;ZHAO Di-fang;TIAN Chang-an
Production Technology and Application of Iminodiacetic Acid
YAN Shou-bao
Technological Advances in Ethylene Pyrolysis Furnace
FENG Zhong-liang;GE Jing;LIU Quan-fu