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Geology of Anhui
2015 Issue 2
diSCovery of miArolite in the JiuhuAShAn nAtionAl GeoloGiCAl pArk And itS impliCAtionS
WU Wei-ping;,CAI Yang;,MA Tao;,DONG Ting-ting;,HU Zhao-qi;,LIN Qi-gang;
Structural pattern, rock and ore control and regional structural implications of the fault in the Zhaceqiao gold ore deposit in Dongzhi, Anhui
NIE Zhang-xing;,QIAN Xiang;,YANG Jing-ming;,SHI Lei;,XU Fei;,YANG Jin-long;
Analysis of geological conditions of gas formation in the lower Yangtze area in early Cambrian
LIU Zhang-ping;,XU Wei;,WANG Jun-tao;,WANG Ying-geng;,ZHOU Cun-ting;
Exploration and dEvElopmEnt status of coalbEd gas in thE lianghuai arEa and suggEstions
dou xin-zhao;,Zhu Wen-wei;,Yu xian-zhong;,sui feng-tang;,hu guang-qing;,Zhao Zhi-yi;
Study on beneficiation teSt on the JiangShan Pb-Zn-au ore
DA Guang-fa;
Applied Study of potAble SoniC drill in river CourSe dyke eXplorAtion
yAnG Zheng-chun;,wu wan-sheng;,mA dong-liang;,Xu lian-feng;
ApplicAtion of three-component logging in mAgnetite explorAtion
WU tian-lin;
ASSeSSment of QuAlity And environmentAl impACt of GeothermAl fluid in boZhou City
Chen Xun;,GuAn yu;,huAnG duo-chen;
Study on enGineerinG GeoloGy ZoninG in XuAnChenG City of Anhui
Chen Ji-can;,Cui ke-rui;,ZhA fu-sheng;,mA hai-chun;
eXperimentAl Study on tenSile StrenGth of Soil uSinG uniAXiAl tenSion
lu Zi-feng;,ZhAo Xiu-feng;,CAo Jing-yang;,Luo hui-fen;,fAn Jian;,Chen bang-jian;
GnSS hiGh-preCiSion dAtA proCeSSinG method And teChniQue
Zhou Chuan-gen;