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Geology of Anhui
2014 Issue 2
an hui sheng lu jiang xian xiao bao zhuang tie kuang kuang chuang wei yan shi bian fen dai te zheng
gao chang sheng ;, he de feng ;, wang yan ming ;, zhang kuang ;
GeoloGiCAl feAtuReS And oRe-ContRol fACtoRS of CoppeR polymetAlliC oRe depoSit in JiAnGCun, Qimen
wAnG bang-min;,wAnG xiu-rong;,xu Sheng-fa;,yAnG he-jin;
Study on oRe foRmAtion And potentiAl in the huoQiu iRon oRe diStRiCt And the AReA ARound it in Anhui pRovinCe
GinG min;,li mao-Zhang;,li Ren-he;,lou Jin-wei;,lu San-ming;,wei dao-zhong;
GeoloGiCAl feAtuReS And oRe-foRminG pAtteRn of the ZhAnGJiAChonG pb-Zn oRe depoSit in the fAnChAnG bASin
Chen Si-xing;,den Jang-hong;,duAn liu-an;,honG dong-liang;,ZhAo lei;
An initiAl AnAlySiS of GeophySiCAl feAtuReS And oRe-pRoSpeCtinG diReCtion in the benGbu uplift Zone
pAn fang;,ShenG yong;,wAnG Jian-wei;,ZhAnG Jin-song;
GeoChemiCAl ASSeSSment of lAnd QuAlity of dAnGtu County
liAnG hong-xia;,Shi Chun-hong;
AnAlySiS of AppliCAtion of GpS teChnoloGy in the xiJiAZhuAnG-luoJi iRon oRe depoSit pRoJeCt
hAn yu;,JiAnG dong-ming;,xiAnG li-bin;,yu tao;
Study of effeCt of CoppeR oRe tAilinGS SubStRAte impRovement on GRowth of S. matSudana
li xiao-feng;,tiAn Sheng-ni;,xiAo Zheng-hui;,ZhAnG Jing;
Study of GeoloGiCAl StAbility of AbAndoned GoAf undeR RepeAt mininG
An Shi-kai;,JiAnG Chun-lu;,li yang;,xie hao;,ZhenG liu-gen;
enGineeRinG GeoloGiCAl hAZARd RiSk ASSeSSment of the Jixi-huAnGShAn expReSSwAy
RuAn Chuan-gui;,Shen Gao-ping;
new inveStiGAtionS on oRe depoSit induStRiAl index
JiAnG bo;
A Study on budGet ContRol of GeoloGiCAl exploRAtion pRoJeCtS
GAn ya-rong;