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Geology of Anhui
2014 Issue 1
MetAMorphiC StrAtiGrAphiC frAMework in the eAStern pArt of the DAbie Mt.
hu Shao-qi;,JiAnG lai-li;
DiSCovery of orDoviC iAn ConoDont AnD SColeCoDont foSSilS in lAter CArbonACeouS CArbonAte roCk StrAtA in AnyAnG Mt, huoQiu, Anhui
ChenG Cheng;,Ji Zai-fei;,li Shuang-ying;,wAnG Song;,yAnG Dong-dong;,ZhAnG Qiang;
GeoloGiCAl feAtureS AnD ore-proSpeCtinG DireCtion of the xiAnwAnGtAn pb-Zn-AG ore DepoSit, huAnGShAn City
GAo Shen-lin;,wu wen-long;,ZhAnG xiao-min;
GeoCheMiCAl feAtureS of MetAlloGeniC DiStriCt in South Anhui
ChenG nai-fu;
Key technology application in gravitational field data processing
gUo hou-jun;,Zhang guo-hong;
discUssion on major issUes affecting soil sUrvey resUlts of metallic ore exploration
chen lei;,cheng Zhi-min;,jiao yan-jun;,lai Bo-sheng;,liang chang-kuo;,mao yu-di;,tang Wei;,tang Zheng-jiang;,tao nai;
foUr acids to dissolve ore and indUctive coUpling plasma emission spectrometry for detection of mo in molyBdenUm ore
chen Bo;,feng yong-ming;,liU hong-qing;,liU jun;,xing ying-xiang;,yU xing;
importance of temperatUre control in hydrometer method Used for measUrement of soil textUre
chen rong;,long jiang;,Zhang nian;
assessment of reclaimed soil environment QUality in the coalmine cave-in area
li tao;,ma jiu-yang;,ma lai;,yang hong-bo;,ZhoU jun;,ZhU jiang;
analysis of operation and oBservation data of digital seismograph system in the neW yancheng seismographic station
gUo hao-ming;,liang xue-ping;,Wang Bin;,yan chao;,ZhoU jian;
on design of cave entrance section of a highWay tUnnel
Qian Wang-ping;