Landscape ecological cluster analysis of typical area in north Guangdong
SU Shaoqing1;ZHAO Yu2;LIU Xiaonan2;ZHANG Yulin3 1.Guangdong Bureau of Land Development and Reserve;Guangzhou;Guangdong 510630;China; 2.Eco-Environment and Soil Institute of Guangdong;Guangzhou 510650;China; 3.School of Geographical Sciences Guangzhou University;Guangzhou;Guangdong 510006;China
A comparative experiment of nitrogen loss from the humid hillside areas of the south China
LI Kun1;2;JIANG Tao1;2;CHEN Jianyao1;2;LIU Chunling3 1.Department of Water Resources and Environment;Sun Yat-sen University;Guangzhou 510275;China; 2.Key Laboratory of Water cycle and water security in Southern China of Guangdong High Education Institute; Sun Yat-sen University;Guangzhou 510275;China; 3.Pearl River Hydraulic Research Institute;Guangzhou 510611;China.
Concentration of bismuth in human hair from an antimony mining area in China
Liu Bijun1;2;Li Xingliang1;Wu Fengchang2;3;Mo Changli2;Fu Zhiyou3;Zhu Jing2;Li Wen2 1.Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Mianyang;621900;China;2.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry;Institute of Geochemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guiyang 550002;China;3.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Beijing 100012;China
Source apportionment of stormwater pollution in small urban catchment
MA Zhenbang1;NI Honggang1;WEI Jianbing3;JIA Huihui1;ZENG Hui1;2 1.Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Circular Economy;Shenzhen Graduate School;Peking University;Shenzhen 518055;China; 2.Department of Ecology;College of Urban and Environmental Sciences;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China; 3.Guangdong Institute of Eco-environmental and soil sciences;Guangzhou 510650;China