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Ecology and Environmental Sciences
2001 Issue 2
Review on study of farmland weed seedbank
FENG Yuan-jiao; WANG Yian-wu Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Ecology; South China Agricultural University Guangzhou 510642; China
Research progress of interaction between nitrogen and zinc in plant-soil system
HE Zhong-jun; HUA Luo; BAI Ling-yu; WEI Dong-pu; CHENG Shi-bao Resources and Environment college; Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry; Yangling; Shaaxi 712100; China; Institute for Application Of Atomic Energy. CAAS; Beijing 100094
Effect of straw return to soil by effective microorganisms on rice and wheat growth and their straw decay
LI Qing-kang; WANG Zhen-zhong; GU Zhi-quan; ZHANG Yong-chun; PAN Yu-mei; ZHAO Qiang-ji Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute; Jiangsu Academy Of Agricultural Sciences; Nanjing 210014. China
Effects of simulated acid rain on dissolution and transformation of aluminum in acid soils of south China
YU Yuan-chun; DING Ai-fang Nanjing Forestry University; Nanjing 210037; China; Nanjing Xiaozhuang College. Nanjing 210017; China
Advance of ion exchange resin membrane in soil testing
LIU Ting-lin; LI Gui-bao Guangdong Institute of Eco-Environmental and Soil Sciences; Guangzhou 510650 China; Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100085; China
Characteristics of CI~- adsorption by constant charge soils and variable charge soils
XU Ming-gang Soil and Fertilizer institute; Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Beijing 100081; China
Study on the fertilization for the high-yield corn
WU Jin-nuan; GUO Qing-rong; ZHONG Shi-jun; QIU Qiao-jie Guangdong Institute of Eco-Environmental and Soil Sciences; Guangzhou 510650. China
Man-made soil and water loss and its hazards in Zhujiang Delta area──A case study in Guangzhou city
HUANG Guang-yu; WANG Ji-zeng; CHEN Chu-long; WU Zhi-feng; ZHUO Mu-ning Guangzhou Water Conservancy Bureau; Guangzhou 510030; China; Guangdong Institute of Eco-environmental and Soil Sciences; Guangzhou 510650. China
Leaching characteristics of controlled release and common nitrogen fertilizers and their effects on soil and ground water quality
ZHANG Qing-li; ZHANG Min; TIAN Wei-bin College of Resources and Environment; Shandong Agricultural University; Taian 271018. China
Preparation of consecutive digital images for analysis of pore 3D structure in soil
LI De-cheng; BRUCE VELDE; JEAN-FRANCOI DELERUE; ZHANG Tao-lin Institute of Soil Science; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanjing 21008; China; Laboratoire de Geologe; URA1316 CNRS; ENS; 75231 Paris; France
Utilization of microbes resources and sustainable development of agriculture
ZHANG Jia-en; LIU Wen-gao Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Ecology; South China Agricultural University Guangzhou 510642 China
Nitrous oxide emissions from soils and strategy for reducing N_2O emission
WANG Cai-rong; TIAN Xiao-hong; LI Sheng-xiu College of Resources and Environmental Sciences. Northwest Sci-tech University of Agriculture and Forestry; Shaanxi Yangling; 712100. China
Effects of Soil Warming on Soil Microbial Activity
XIAO Hui-lin; ZHEN Xi-jian Guangdong institute of Eco-environmental and Soil Sciences. Guangzhou 510650. China; Guangzhou Station of Environmental Monitoring; Guangzhou 510030; China
tui hua po di tu rang gai liang yu fa zhan lv se shi pin sheng chan de tu jing yi guang dong sheng wu hua xian he dong zhen nong ye kai fa ji di wei li
deng nan rong ; wu zhi feng ; guo zhi xing ; li ding qiang ; liu ping ';'11224487;06817579;10875001;11197898;11615759;';'au';'cjfq');
A comparative study on soil water characteristics of lateritic red earth dryland and red earth dryland in Fujian province
QUAN Bin; CHEN Jian-fei; GUO Cheng-da Institute of Information Engineering; Jimei University Xiamen 361021;China; College of Geographical Sciences; Fujian Teachers University Fuzhou 350007. China
Influence of intercroping in the garden on soil microbe and enzymatic activity in highland of loess plateau
ZHANG Cheng-e; DU She-ni; BAI Gang-shuan; LING yin-li Institute of Soil and Water conservation; CAS; Yangling Shaanxi 712100. China
The development of methods of denitrification field measurement
LIANG Dong-li; TONG Yan-an; OVE Emteryd Northwest Science & Technology University Of Agriculture & Forestry; College of Resources & Environment Sciences; Yangling 712100. China; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Umea 90183; Sweden
san gao nong ye yu tu fei zuo yong ji dui ce yi mei xian wei li
zeng xiang tian ';'21539657;';'au';'cjfq');
Effects of air settlement on heavy metal accumulation in soil
ZHANG Nai-ming Department of Environmental Science. Yunnan Agricultural University; Kunming 650201 China
Heavy metal content of sewage irrigated soil in xi'an and it's influence to tomato
PANG Jiang-li; HUANG Chun-chang; SUN Gen-nian Department of Geography; Shaanxi Normal University Xi'an 710062; China
Survey on lead pollution of the soils of the water-level-fluctuating zone of the Three-Gorges reservoirs
CHEN Ziy-un; PENG Meng-xia Department of Chemical Engineering; Chongqing Three Gorges College; Chongqing 404000; China