A signal-substrate match in the substrate-borne component of a multimodal courtship display
Damian O. ELIAS~1; Andrew C. MASON~2; Eileen A. HEBETS~ 1 Department of Environmental Science; Policy and Management; University of California; Berkeley; Berkeley; CA 94720; USA 2 Integrative Behaviour and Neuroscience Group; University of Toronto Scarborough; Toronto; ON; M1C 1A4; Canada 3 School of Biological Sciences; University of Nebraska; Lincoln; NE 68588; USA
Can color vision variation explain sex differences in invertebrate foraging by capuchin monkeys?
Amanda D. MELIN~; Linda M. FEDIGAN~1; Hilary C. YOUNG~; Shoji KAWAMURA~3 1 Department of Anthropology; University of Calgary; 2500 University Drive N.W.; Calgary; AB; Canada T2N 1N4 2 Department of Biological Sciences; University of Calgary; 2500 University Drive N.W.; Calgary; AB; Canada T2N 1N4 3 Department of Integrated Biosciences; Graduate School of Frontier Sciences; University of Tokyo; 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha; Kashiwa; Chiba 277-8562; Japan
Anti-bat tiger moth sounds:Form and function
Aaron J. CORCORAN~; William E. CONNER~; Jesse R. BARBER~ 1 Department of Biology; Wake Forest University; Winston-Salem; NC 27106; USA 2 Department of Fish; Wildlife and Conservation Biology; Colorado State University; Fort Collins; CO 80523; USA