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Current Zoology
2009 Issue 1
Anming MENG Editor-in-Chief CURRENT ZOOLOGY
comparison of locomotor behaviour between white-headed langurs trachypithecus leucocephalus and fran ois' langurs t. fran oisi in fusui,china
Jinrong XIONG1;Shihua GONG1;Chenggang QIU2;Zhaoyuan LI 3 1. Faculty of Conservation Biology;Southwest Forestry University;Kunming 650224;China2. Department of Wildlife Conservation;Guangxi Forestry Bureau;Nanning 530022;China3. Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Centre;Southwest Forestry University;Kunming 650224;China
effect of motilin on the contractility of gastric smooth muscle via no pathway in guinea pigs
Zhiming WANG1;Luo XU 1 ;Jiang LU21. Department of Pathophysiology;Medical College of Qingdao University;Qingdao 266021;Shandong;China2. Qingdao 5th People Hospital;Qingdao 266002;Shandong;China
relative accuracy of spatial predictive models for lynx lynx canadensis derived using logistic regression-aic,multiple criteria evaluation and bayesian approaches
Hejun KANG1;Shelley M. ALEXANDER 2 1.Center for Spatial Analysis;School of Geography and Earth Sciences;McMaster University;Hamilton;ON;Canada L8S 4K12.Department of Geography;University of Calgary;Calgary;AB;Canada T2N 1N4
effects of odors on behaviors of captive amur leopards panthera pardus orientalis
Shuangying YU 1;2 ;Zhigang JIANG 1;2 ;Hui ZHU 1;2 ;Chunwang LI1;Enquan ZHANG3;Jinguo ZHANG3;Carin HARRINGTON41. Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology;Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100101;China2. Beijing Zoological Garden;Beijing 100044;China3. Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China4. Behavioral Conservation and Design Gold Bird Foundation;Hong Kong;China
kinship alters the effects of forced cohabitation on body weight,mate choice and fitness in the rat-like hamster tscheskia triton
Xiaoping RAO 1;2 ;Jian-Xu ZHANG 1 ;Dingzhen LIU 2 ;Lin CONG31.State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents in Agriculture;Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100101;China2.MOE;Key Laboratory of Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering;Institute of Ecology;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China3.Institute of Plant Protection;Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Haerbin 150086;Heilongjiang Province;China
developmental competence and ultrastructural changes of heat-stressed mouse early blastocysts produced in vitro
Pingping QU;Wenru TIAN;Tao LI;Zhongling JIANG;Shansong GAO;Zhongjie TIAN;Mingzhi WANG College of Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine;Qingdao Agricultural University;Qingdao 266109;Shandong;China
sexual selection affects the sizes of the mammalian prostate gland and seminal vesicles
Matthew J. ANDERSON1;Alan F. DIXSON 2 1. Conservation and Research for Endangered Species;Zoological Society of San Diego;San Diego;USA2. School of Biological Sciences;Victoria University of Wellington;New Zealand
information for authors
epidermal collagenase activity and its induction by 20-hydroxyecdysone in the fiddler crab uca pugilator
Erin A. TOUPS;Enmin ZOU Department of Biological Sciences;Nicholls State University;Thibodaux;LA 70310;USA
variations in reproductive strategies between one invasive population and two native populations of pseudorasbora parva
Yunzhi YAN 1;2 ;Yifeng CHEN 1 1. Institute of Hydrobiology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Wuhan 430072;China2. College of Life Sciences;Anhui Normal University; Provincial Key Laboratory of Biotic Environment and Ecological Safety in Anhui;Wuhu;Anhui 241000;China
reproductive biology of the greater bandicoot rat bandicota indica(rodentia:muridae) in the rice fields of southern thailand
N.THITIPRAMOTE 1;2 ;J.SUWANJARAT1;W.G.BREED 2 1.Department of Biology;Faculty of Science;Prince of Songkla University;Songkla;Thailand 901102.Discipline of Anatomical Sciences;School of Medical Sciences;Faculty of Health Sciences;The University of Adelaide;South Australia 5005