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Current Zoology
2008 Issue 1
Introgression of mtDNA between two Phrynocephalus lizards in Qinghai Plateau
JIN Yuan-Ting; LIU Nai-FaSchool of Life Sciences; Lanzhou University; Lanzhou 730000;China
Ecology of mole rats Tachyoryctes splendens and its impact on farmlands at Angacha, central Ethiopia
Abebe KOKISO1; Afework BEKELE2*1. Department of Applied Biology; Dilla University; PO Box 419; Dilla; Ethiopia 2. Department of Biology; Addis Ababa University; PO Box 1176; Addis Ababa; Ethiopia;
Morphological recognition of artificial F1 hybrids between three common European cyprinid species: Rutilus rutilus, Blicca bjoerkna and Abramis brama
B. NZAU MATONDO1*; M. OVIDIO1; P. PONCIN2; P. VANDEWALLE3; J.C. PHILIPPART11. University of Liège; Biology of Behaviour Unit; Laboratory of Fish Demography and Hydroecology; 10 Chemin de la Justice; B-4500 Tihange; Belgium2. University of Liège; Biology of Behaviour Unit; Laboratory of Fish Ethology; 22 Quai Van Beneden; B-4020 Liège; Belgium3. University of Liège; Laboratory of Functional and Evolutive Morphology; 3 Allée de la chimie; B-4000 Liège; Belgium
Relationships between temperament, husbandry, management, and socio-sexual behavior in captive male and female giant pandas Ailuropoda melanoleuca
David POWELL1; 2**; LIN Hong3; Kathy CARLSTEAD4; Devra KLEIMAN2; ZHANG He-Min5; ZHANG Gui-Quan5; ZHANG Zhi-He6; YU Jian-Qu6; ZHANG Jin-Guo7; LU Yan-Ping7; Timothy S.K.NG8; Jason C.L.TANG8; Rebecca SNYDER91. Department of Mammalogy; Wildlife Conservation Society/Bronx Zoo; 2300 Southern Blvd.; Bronx NY 10460; U.S.A.2. Center for Species Conservation; Smithsonian National Zoological Park; 3001 Connecticut Ave NW; Washington D.C. 20008; U.S.A.3. Division of Wildlife Management; Guizhou Forestry Department; Guiyang 550001; China4. Honolulu Zoo; 151 Kapahulu Ave; Honolulu HI 96815; U.S.A. 5. Wolong Nature Reserve; Wenchuan 623006; Sichuan; China 6. Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding; Chengdu 610081; Sichuan; China7. Beijing Zoo; Beijing 100044; China8. Ocean Park; Aberdeen; Hong Kong 9. Zoo Atlanta; 800 Cherokee Ave.; Atlanta GA 30315; U.S.A.
Age and growth profile of Indian major carps Catla catla from rivers of Northern India
Prashant K. DEEPAK; Uttam K. SARKAR; Raje S. NEGI; Samir K PAUL National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources; Canal Ring Road; PO-Dilkusha; Lucknow-226003
Identification by MALDI-TOF MS and expression pattern of a low molecular weight protein, Apolipophorin Ⅲ, from hemolymph in the silkworm Bombyx mori
GUAN-Jian; ZHAO-Ping; HOU-Yong; LIU Hong-Li; ZOU-Yong; XIA Qing-YouKey Sericultural Laboratory of Agricultural Ministry; College of Biotechnology; Southwest University; Chongqing 400716;China
Diversity, distribution and habitat association of large mammals of Alatish, North Gonder, Ethiopia
Girma MENGESHA1; Afework BEKELE2*1. Wondo Genet College of Forestry; P.O. Box 128; Wondo Genet; Ethiopia2. Department of Biology; Addis Ababa University; P.O. box 1176; Addis Ababa; Ethiopia
Effect of sibling aggression on kittens' behavior in Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx
Anastasiya ANTONEVICH; Sergey NAIDENKO**A.N.Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS; Leninsky pr. 33; Moscow 119071; Russia
Pinniped ecology in Santa Monica Bay, California
Maddalena BEARZI**; Charles A. SAYLAN; Celia BARROSOOcean Conservation Society; P.O. Box 12860; Marina del Rey; CA 90295; United Sates
Selected body temperature, surface activity and food intake in tailed versus tailless Mongolian racerunners Eremias argus from three populations
ZHAO Qun1; WANG Zheng2; LIU Lin-Lin3; ZHAO Wen-Ge3; JI Xiang1; 2**1. Hangzhou Key Laboratory for Animal Sciences and Technology; Hangzhou Normal University; Hangzhou 310036; China2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biodiversity and Biotechnology; College of Life Sciences; Nanjing Normal University; Nanjing 210046; China3. College of Life and Environmental Sciences; Harbin Normal University; Harbin 150025; China
Myosin heavy chain expression in peripheral muscles of male and female prairie voles Microtus ochrogaster
Andrew C. FRY1; Michael H. FERKIN2; Brian K. SCHILLING2;3; Stuart T. LEONARD2; Matthew P. HARBER3; Martyn R. RUBIN3; J. Chadwick SMITH31. Department of Health; Sport & Exercise Sciences; The University of Kansas; Lawrence; KS 66045; USA2. Department of Biology; The University of Memphis; Memphis; TN 38152; USA3. Department of Health and Sport Sciences; The University of Memphis; Memphis; TN 38152; USA
Microstructure and ultrastructure of coelomocytes of the sipunculan Phascolosoma esculenta
SU Xiu-Rong1**; JI Qi-Xiong2; DING Li-Fa3;ZHANG Wei4; ZHU Jun-Quan1; LI Tai-Wu11.Key Laboratory of Applied Marine Biotechnology of Ministry of Education; Ningbo University; Ningbo 315211;Zhejiang;China2.Applied Biology Department of Zhejiang Pharmceutical College;Ningbo Zhejiang 315000; China3.Wenzhou Fisheries Technical Extension Station; Wenling 317500;Zhejiang;China4.Colloge of Biology; Liaoning Normal University;Dalian Liaoning 116029; China
Inter-annual changes in structure of overwintering population in Calomys venustus
María C.PROVENSAL**; Jaime J.POLOP Departamento de Ciencias Naturales; Facultad de Ciencias Exactas; Físico-Químicas y Naturales; Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Agencia Postal N°3; 5800 Río Cuarto; Córdoba; Argentina
Shifting butterfly habitats and biotope affiliations accompany use of alien nectar sources after deforestation
Peter B. HARDY1; Roger L. H. DENNIS2; 3*1. 81 Winstanley Road; Sale; Cheshire; M33 2AT UK.2. NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology; Monks Wood; Abbots Ripton; Huntingdon; Cambridgeshire PE28 2LS; UK3. Institute for Environment; Sustainability and Regeneration; Mellor Building; Staffordshire University; College Road; Stoke on Trent; ST4 2DE; UK.
Post-feeding larval dispersal in blowflies during summer and winter seasons in southeast Brazil
Leonardo GOMES1**; Guilherme GOMES2; Helena Gutierrez OLIVEIRA2; Margareth Maria de Carvalho QUEIROZ1; Claudio José Von ZUBEN21. Eco-epidemiological Laboratory of Chagas Decease; Instituto Oswaldo Cruz-IOC/FIOCRUZ; room A10; Brasil Avenue; 4365; Manguinhos; PO BOX 926; 21045-900; Rio de Janeiro; RJ; Brazil2. Department of Zoology; IB; UNESP; Bairro Bela Vista; 13506-900; Rio Claro; SP; Brazil
EoRab43 is an atypical Rab gene in Euplotes octocarinatus
NIE Yu; LI Jiang-Jiao; LIANG Ai-Hua; YANG Xin; ZHANG Zhi-Yun; WANG WeiKey Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Molecular Engineering of Ministry of Education; Institute of Biotechnology; Shanxi University; Taiyuan 030006; China
Ketamine-induced hyperactivity in mice: an evaluation of age and sex differences
Jeffrey ANASTASI*; Christopher WILSON; David KNOBLOCH; Stephanie SAPIO; Katherine KELSEY; Stephanie WILLIAMSDepartment of Psychology; Sam Houston State University;Huntsville; Texas 77341-2447 U.S.A.
Hormonal patterns associated with social rank and season in male oryxes Oryx dammah and elands Taurotragus oryx
Naama BERG1; Rotem LAVI1; Yosef STEINBERGER1; Yael VIKINSKI2; Laurence S.SHORE3*1. Bar-Ilan University; Faculty of Life Sciences; Ramat-Gan 52900; Israel2. The Koret School of Veterinary Medicine; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Rehovot 76100; Israel 3. Dept. of Toxicology; Kimron Veterinary Institute; P.O.B. 12; Bet Dagan 50250; Israel
Seasonal effect on trophical relationship between soil free-living nematode and protozoan populations in a desert ecosystem
Stanislav PEN-MOURATOV1; Salvador Rodriguez ZARAGOZA2; Einav MA~YZL~ISH1; Yosef STEINBERGER11.The Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences; Bar-Ilan University; Ramat-Gan 52900; Israel2.Lab. de Microbiología; Unidad de Biología Tecnología y Prototipos; Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala; UNAM. Avenida de los Barrios #1; Los Reyes Iztacala; Tlalnepantla; Estado de México 54090; México
Genetic diversity of the black muntjac Muntiacus crinifrons population in the central area of Anhui and Zhejiang Province
CHENG Hong-Yi; BAO Yi-Xin**; CHEN Liang; ZHOU Xiang-Wu; HU Zhi-Yuan;GE Bao-MingInsitute of Ecology; Zhejiang Normal University; Jinhua 321004; Zhejiang;China
A methodology for indirect estimation of the Myocastor coypus abundance at an urban wetland in Argentina
María José CORRIALE1**; Santiago Manuel ARIAS1; Roberto Fabián B1; Gustavo PORINI21. Laboratorio de Ecologia Regional; Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Universidad de Buenos Aires; Intendente Güiraldes 2620. 4to Piso Pab Ⅱ. Lab N° 57; Ciudad Universitaria. C1428EHA; Buenos Aires; Argentina2. Dirección de Fauna Silvestre; Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Nación; Buenos Aires; Argentin
Habitat associations of three stream fishes on a montane plateau(Nyika Plateau, Malawi)
Wilbert T. KADYE1**; Ngonidzashe A.G. MOYO2; Christopher H. D. MAGADZA1; Shakkie KATIVU11. T.R.E.P.; Department of Biological Sciences; University of Zimbabwe; PO Box MP 167; Mount Pleasant; Harare; Zimbabwe2. University of Limpopo; Aquaculture Research Unit; Private Bag X1106; Sovenga 0727; South Africa