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Current Zoology
2007 Issue 1
Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the main lineages of Nymphalidae(Lepidoptera,Rhopalocera)based on mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences
CHEN Na;ZHU Guo-Ping;HAO Jia-Sheng **;ZHANG Xiao-Ping;SU Cheng-Yong;PAN Hong-Chun;WU Dong-XiaLaboratory of Molecular Evolution and Biodiveristy;College of Life Sciences;Anhui Normal University;Wuhu 241000;Anhui Province
Spatial organization of the mound-building mouse Mus spicilegus in the region of northern Bulgaria
Daniela M.SIMEONOVSKA-NIKOLOVADepartment of Ecology and Protection of Nature;Faculty of Biology;Sofia University “St.Kliment Ochridski”;8 Dragan Tzankov Blvd.;1164 Sofia;Bulgaria
Lethal effects of extracts of Ginkgo biloba Sarcotesta upon the snail Oncomelania hupensis
CHEN Sheng-Xia 1;WU Liang1;YANG Xiao-Ming2;JIANG Xu-Gan1;LI Long-Gen3;ZHANG Rong-Xian2;XIA Lei2;SHAO Shi-He11.School of Medical Technology;Jiangsu University;Zhenjiang 212013;Jiangsu;China2.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Jiangsu University;Zhenjiang 212013;Jiangsu;China3.Zhenjiang Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Zhenjiang 212003;Jiangsu;China
Phylogeny of some Muscicapinae species based on cyt b mitochondrial gene sequences
LEI Xin 1;2;3;LIAN Zhen-Min 1;3;LEI Fu-Min 2**;YIN Zuo-Hua2;ZHAO Hong-Feng 1;21.College of Life Sciences;Shaanxi Normal University;Xi'an 710062;China2.Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100080;China3.College of Life Sciences;Yanan University;Yan'an 716000;China
Antiangiogenesis of fibrinolyric protein from Eupolyphaga sinesis Walker
LI Xing-Nuan1;HAN Ya-Li 2 **1. College of Science;Shantou University;Shantou 515063;Guangdong;China2. Bioengineering Department;Guangdong University of Technology;Guangzhou 510090;China
Ecology and conservation of the leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis and clouded leopard Neofelis nebulosa in Khao Yai National Park,Thailand
Sean C.AUSTIN1;Michael E.TEWES1;Lon I.GRASSMAN;Jr. 1**;Nova J.SILVY21.Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute;MSC 218;700 University Blvd.;Texas A&M University-Kingsville;Kingsville;TX 78363;USA 2.Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences;210 Nagle Hall;Texas A&M University;College Station;TX 77843;USA
Isolation and characterization of the albinism-related genes of DEN-1 and DEN-2 from turbot Scophthalmus maximus
WANG Jia-Qing1;HOU Lin 1;ZOU Xiang-Yang2;YAO Feng1;LI Xiao-Yan11.College of Life Sciences;Liaoning Normal University;Dalian 116029;Liaoning;China2.Department of Biology;Dalian Medical University;Dalian 116027;Liaoning;China
Expression profile of the genes involved in adipogenesis during porcine preadipocyte differentiation
ZHANG Han-Xing;ZHU Xiao-Tong;SHU Gang;GAO Ping;GAO Shu-Jing;ZHANG Chang-Ming;JIANG Qing-Yan **;CHEN Yao-ShengCollege of Animal Science;South China Agricultural University;Guangzhou 510642;China
Characters of a macrobenthic community off the Changjiang River Estuary
LI Bao-Quan;LI Xin-Zheng **;WANG Hong-Fa;WANG Yong-Qiang;WANG Jin-Bao;ZHANG Bao-LinInstitute of Oceanology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Qingdao 266071;Shandong;China
Food habits of the spotted owlet Athene brama in central Punjab,Pakistan
Muhammad MAHMOOD-UL-HASSAN 1**;Mirza Azhar BEG2;Muhammad MUSHTAQ-UL-HASSAN3;Shahnaz Ahmed RANA21.Department of Wildlife and Ecosystem;University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences;Syed abdul Qader Jilani Road;Lahore 54000;Pakistan 2.Department of Zoology and Fisheries;University of Agriculture;Faisalabad;Pakistan 3.Department of Zoology;Govt.College University;Faisalabad;Pakistan
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci of Siniperca chuatsi from GenBank database
KUANG Gang-Qiao 1;2;LIU Zhen1;LU Shuang-Qing 1;LIU Hong-Yu3;ZHANG Jian-She1;XIAO Tiao-Yi21.Department of Biotechnology and Environment Science;Changsha University;Changsha 410003;Hunan Province;China2.College of Animal Science and Technology;Hunan Agricultural University;Changsha 410128;Hunan Province;China3.Department of Environmental Science and Engineering;Hunan University;Changsha 410082;Hunan Province;China
Prolonged carrying of a dead infant among the golden monkey Rhinopithecus roxellana in the Qinling Mountains,China
Lv Jiu-Quan 1;2;3;ZHAO Da-Peng 1;2;LI Bao-Guo 11.College of Life Sciences;and Key Laboratory of Resource Biology and Biotechnology in Western China;Ministry of Education;Northwest University;Xi'an 710069;China2.Department of Geology;Northwest University;Xi'an 710069;China3.College of Life Sciences;Henan Normal University;Xinxiang 453007;China
Morphological variation in Xiphinema insigne populations from different regions of China
WU Yang;ZHANG Yan;YAN Xiao-Ning;ZHENG Jing-Wu College of Agriculture and Biotechnology;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310029;China
Expression of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-4 in mouse testes after the postnatal period
BU Shu-Min ***;HU Zeng;PENG Sha;DUAN En-Kui **State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology;Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100080;China
Preliminary observations on activity rhythms and foraging behaviour in the endangered limpet Patella ferruginea
Free ESPINOSA 1;Alexandre R.GONZLEZ2;Manuel J.MAESTRE2;Darren FA1;José M.GUERRA-GARCíA2;José C.GARCíA-GóMEZ21.Gibraltar Museum;18-20 Bomb House Lane;Gibraltar;UK2.Laboratorio de Biología Marina;Departamento de Fisiología y Zoología;Avda.Reina Mercedes;6.41012 Sevilla;Spain Within limpets;a wide variety of foraging patterns exists in relation to external factors;such as tidal cycles and day/night cycles;and other less predictable factors;such as wave action and rainfall.
Effects of tail suspension upon the morphology and myosin ATPase activities of the soleus muscle of the Dauria ground squirrel Spermophilus dauricus
WANG Qi 1;2;GAO Yun-Fang 1**;FAN Xiao-Li31.College of Life Sciences;Northwest University;Xi'an 710069;China2.Department of Biology;Shaanxi University of Technology;Shaanxi Hanzhong 723000;China3.Department of Physiology;Xi'an Jiaotong University;Xi'an 710061;China
Sequencing and analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of the Indotestudo elongata
ZHANG Ying;NIE Liu-Wang **;SONG Jiao-Lian The Provincial Key Lab.of the Conservation and Exploitation Research of Biological Resources in Anhui;Anhui Wuhu 241000
Effect of lysophosphotidylcholine on free calcium level in synaptosomes from mouse and chicken brains
LI Xiao-Hua 1;2;LONG Ding-Xin 1;2;HOU Wei-Yuan 1;2;LI Wei1;WU Yi-Jun 1;**1.Laboratory of Molecular Toxicology;State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents;Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100080;China2.Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China
Impact of recreation on forest bird communities:non-detrimental effects of trails and picnic areas
David PALOMINO1;Luis M.CARRASCAL 2**1.rea de Estudio y Seguimiento de Aves;Sociedad Espaola de Ornitología;C/Melquiades Biencinto 34;28053 Madrid;Spain 2.Dept.of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology;National Museum of Natural Sciences;CSIC.C/José Gutiérrez Abascal 2;28006 Madrid;Spain
Earthworms' ingestion on different broad-leafed litters
DONG Wei-Hua;YIN Xiu-Qin **College of Urban and Environmental Science;Northeast Normal University;Changchun 130024;China
Macrobenthic community characters of Zhubi Reef,Nansha Islands,South China Sea
LI Xin-Zheng **;LI Bao-Quan;WANG Hong-Fa;WANG Shao-Qing;WANG Jin-Bao;ZHANG Bao-LinInstitute of Oceanology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Qingdao 266071;Shandong;China
Steppe expansion and changes in the structure of the rodent community in north-western Caspian region(Republic of Kalmykia,RF)
K.A.ROGOVIN **A.N.Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution;Russian Academy of Sciences;Moscow 119071;Russia
The influence of vegetation on lion Panthera leo group sizes in the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park,South Africa
Martina TRINKEL 1;2**;Ryan William VAN NIEKERK1;Paul Herbert FLEISCHMANN2;Neil FERGUSON1;Rob SLOTOW11.School of Biological and Conservation Sciences;University of Kwa-Zulu Natal;Howard College Campus;Durban 4041;South Africa2.Institute of Zoology;University of Graz;Universittsplatz 2;A-8010 Graz;Austria
Taxonomic status of Cansumys canus(Allen,1928)
LIAO Ji-Cheng1;XIAO Zhen-Long 2;3;DONG Yuan1;ZHANG Zhi-Bin 2;LIU Nai-Fa 1;LI Jin-Gang41.School of Life Sciences;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China 2.State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management on Pest Insects and Rodents;Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100080;China 3.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China 4.College of Life Sciences;Shaanxi Normal University;Xi'an 710062;China