A molecular phylogeny of eulophid wasps inferred from partial 18S gene sequences
SHA Zhong-Li 1;2;ZHU Chao-Dong1;Robert W.MURPHY3;HUANG Da-Wei 1;5;Stephen G.COMPTON41.Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100080;China2.Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100039;China3.Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Biology;Royal Ontario Museum;100 Queens Park;Toronto;Ontario;M5S 2C6;Canada4.Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation;School of Biology;University of Leeds;Leeds;LS2 9JT;United Kingdom5.Plant Protection College;Shandong Agricultural University;Taian;Shandong 271018;China
Effects of ADSD implantation on endocrine and gonadal development in red-spotted grouper Epinephelus akaara
SHU Hu 1;2; ZHANG Yong1; LIU Xiao-Chun1; LI Guang-Li 1;3; LIN Hao-Ran 1;4**1. State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol;Institute of Aquatic Economic Animals;and Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Aquatic Economic Animals;Sun Yat-Sen University;Guangzhou 510275;China2. School of Life Sciences; Guangzhou University; Guangzhou 510405; China3. Fisheries College; Guangdong Ocean University; Zhanjiang 524025; Guangdong; China4. College of Ocean; Hainan University; Haikou 570228; China
Mortality events in a woodpecker nest in relation to parental care
Peter PECHACEK 1; 2 **; Philipp HERRMANN 1; 31. National Park Administration; Doktorberg 6; 83471 Berchtesgaden; Germany2. Department of Wildlife Ecology and Management; University of Freiburg; Tennenbacherstr. 4; 79085 Freiburg; Germany3. Strenzfelder Allee 4; 06406 Bernburg; Germany
cDNA cloning, phylogenetic analysis of two gonadotropins β subunits sequences of Amur sturgeon
HU Hong-Xia 1;2; ZHANG Yong1; LIU Xiao-Chun1;BEI Jin-Xin1; ZHU Hua2;LIN Hao-Ran 1;3**1. State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol; Institute of Aquatic Economic Animals and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory for Aquatic Economic Animals; Sun Yat-Sen University; Guangzhou 510275;China2. National Engineering Research Center for Freshwater Fisheries and Beijing Fisheries Research Institute; Beijing 100068;China3. College of Ocean; Hainan University; Haikou 570228;China
Summer home range size and inner utilization of forest sika deer Cervus nippon in Nikko, Japan
LI Yu-Chun 1;2;4**; Kazuhiro HOMMA 3***; Kousaku OHNAKA4; Masaaki KOGANEZAWA51. Institute of Rare Animals and Plants; China West Normal University; Nanchong; Sichuan 637002; China2. Department of Biology; Hainan Normal University; Haikou; Hainan 571158; China3. Department of Biology; Joetsu University of Education; 1 Yamayashiki-machi; Joetsu-shi; Niigata 943-8512; Japan4. Faculty of Agriculture; Utsunomiya University; 350 Mine Machi; Utsunomiya; Tochigi 321-8505; Japan5. Faculty of Agriculture; Utsunomiya University; 7556 Funyu; Shioya-machi; Shioya-gun; Tochigi 329-2441; Japan