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Current Zoology
2005 Issue 5
Induction of immunological tolerance by inoculating human serum albumin during early stages of chicken embryonic development
ZHAO Chen;WANG Xiao-Ping;SONG Chi;LI Zhe;WANG Xue-Ling;LI Zan-Dong~College of Biological Science;China Agricultural University;Beijing 100094;China
Alternative splicing, multiple transcription initiation sites of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits from the cotton aphid Aphis gossypii
LI Fei~;HAN Zhao-JunMOE Key Laboratory of Monitoring and Management of Plant Diseases and Pests/ Department of Entomology; Nanjing Agricultural University; Nanjing 210095; China
Distribution of serotonin immunoreactive neurons in the visual system of the beetle Harmonia axyridis
TIAN Xi-Mei;HU Xi-Han;ZHAO Zhi-Fu;QU Yu-Tang;BAO Xue-Xiang~School of Life Sciences;Northeast Normal University;Changchun 130024;China
Effects of ovary storage temperature on chromatin configuration and in vitro maturation of porcine oocytes
YUE Kui-Zhong~1; CHEN Xin~3; SUN Xing-Shen~1; LI Zi-Yi~1; ZHU He~1; BIAN Zhi-Ming~1; TAN Jing-He~1. College of Life Science; Northeast Agricultural University; Harbin 150030; China2. College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine; Shandong Agricultural University; Tai-an City 271018;Shandong; China3. General Hospital of Air Force of P.L.A; Beijing 100000; China
Ultrastructure of the chorine surface in northern sheatfish Silurus soldatovi
LIU Wei~;CHEN Jun~1;PAN Wei-Zhi~;YIN Hong-Bin~1;ZHANG Xiu-Mei~21. Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute; Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences; Harbin 150070; China2. College of Life Science and Technology; Ocean University of China; Qingdao 266003; Shandong; China
Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation in two geographical subspecies of the mitten crab Eriocheir japonica
SUN Hong-Ying;WANG Guang-Yue;ZHANG Dai-Zhen;ZHOU Kai-Ya~Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biodiversity and Biotechnology; College of Life Sciences; Nanjing Normal University;Nanjing 210097;China
Phylogenetic relationships of the avian genus Crossoptilon
WU Ai-Ping~1;DING Wei~1;ZHANG Zheng-Wang~;ZHAN Xiang-Jiang~21.Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering;College of Life Sciences;Beijing Normal Beijing 100875;China2.Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 10008;China
Under-estimate in a moth biodiversity measurement owing to a migratory event of Spodoptera exigua
Leonardo DAPPORTO~;Italy2.Museo Zoologico “La Specola”;Università di Firenze;Via Romana 17;50125;Firenze;Italy3.Dipartimento di Etologia;Ecologia ed Evoluzione dell'Università di Pisa;via A.Volta;6-56126 Pisa;Italy
Preliminary report on breeding habit of hooded crane Grus monacha in Xiaoxing'an mountains
GUO Yu-Min~;QIAN Fa-Wen~3;LIU Xiang-Lin~4;XU Chun-Zhu~5;MA Jian-Zhang~1. College of Wildlife Resources;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin 150040;China2. College of Life Sciences;Capital Normal University;Beijing 100037;China3. National Bird Banding Center of China;Chinese Academy of Forestry;Beijing 100091;China4. Hei Longjiang Song Huajiang Forest Management Service;Harbin 150008;China5. Department of Biology;Harbin Normal University;Harbin 150080;China
Scaling of the pollen-collecting apparatus and dimensional aspects of foraging flight of honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Randall HEPBURN~; Sarah RADLOFF~3; Nikolaus KOENIGER~4; Gudrun KOENIGER~4; Salim TINGEK~51. Department of Zoology and Entomology; Rhodes University; Grahamstown; South Africa2. Eastern Bee Research Institute; Yunnan Agricultural University; Kunming; China3. Department of Statistics; Rhodes University; Grahamstown; South Africa4. Institut fur Bienenkunde; Universitat Frankfurt; Germany5. Agricultural Research Station; Tenom; Sabah; Malaysia
Preliminary identification and expression of PNA receptors during the oogenesis of (Acrida) cinerea
OUYANG Xia-Hui~;XI Geng-Si~; Wang Jun-Li~31. College of Life Sciences; Shaanxi Normal University; Xi’an 710062; China2. College of Life Sciences and Engineerimg; Northwest University of Nationality; Lanzhou 730030; China3. Shenzhen High School; Shenzhen 518001; Guangdong; China
Construction of cDNA expression library from adult Fasciola gigantica and preliminary analysis of its expressed sequence tags
LUO Hong-Lin~;ZHANG Wei-Yu~1;ZHENG Xiao-Long~1;HUANG Wei-Yi~1. College of Animal Science and Technology;GuangXi University;Nanning 530005; China2. College of Animal Science and Technology;Southwest Angricultural University;Chongqing 400617; China
Shell use by the Pagurus brevidactylus(Anomura,Paguridae):a comparison between laboratory and field conditions
Andrea de Lucca MEIRELES; Fernando Luis MANTELATTO~Department of Biology;FFCLRP;University of So Paulo;Ph.D.Program in Comparative Biology;Av.Bandeirantes 3900;Ribeiro Preto14040-901;Brazil
Distribution of nitric oxide synthase and vasoactive intestinal peptide in the gastrointestine of mandarin vole Microtus mandarinus under different energy demands
QIAO Hui;AN Shu-Cheng~;TAI Fa-Dao;XU Jin-HuiCollege of Life Science;ShaanXi Normal University;Xi'an 710062;China
Hunting for novel proteins in neuropathy target esterase regulatory domain with yeast two-hybrid system
CHEN Rui~;YANG Lin~;YAO Zhi~1;LIU Cheng-Yun~;LI Xiao-Hua~;LI Qin~;LIU Jie~1;CHANG Ping-An~;LI Wei~;WU Yi-Jun~1.State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents;Institute of Zoology;The Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100080;China2.Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China
Structure and formation of the embryo attachment system of Eriocheir sinensis
YING Xue-Ping~;YANG Wan-Xi~21. School of Life and Environmental Sciences;Wenzhou Normal College;Wenzhou 325027;Zhejiang;China2. College of Life Sciences;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310029; China
Activity levels and rhythms of Feng carp (Cyprinus carpio var. Xingguo♀×Cyprinus carpio var. mirror splittered♂) and its parents on starvation and satiation
YANG Yan-Ou~; XIE Shou-Qi~2; YAO Feng~11. College of Animal Science; Yangtze University; Jingzhou 434205; Hubei; China2. State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology; Institute of Hydrobiology; The Chinese Academy of Science; Wuhan China
Sibling conflict in Montagu’s harrier Circus pygargus during the post-fledging period in south-east Poland
Ignacy KITOWSKI~ Department of Nature Conservation; Institute of Biology; Maria Curie-Sklodowska University; Akademicka 19; PL-20-033 Lublin; Poland
Distribution of pal-1 mRNA in Caenorhabditis elegans wild-type and mutant early (embryos) via in situ hybridization
YANG Yu-Rong~;FU XingSchool of Life Science; Xiamen University; Xiamen 361005; China
The effects of warmer temperatures on the amphipod Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin,1938(Pontoporeiidae)
Roger N.BAMBER~Department of Zoology;The Natural History Museum;Cromwell Road;London SW7 5BD;United Kingdom
Postnatal development of thermoregulation in Brandt’s voles Lasiopodomys brandtii
CHI Qing-Sheng~; WANG De-Hua~1. State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents; Institute of Zoology; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100080; China2. Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
The causal analysis of inter-population variation in life histories of the northern grass lizard Takydromus septentrionalis: between-island differences in thermal environment, food availability and body temperature
SHOU Lu; DU Wei-Guo~; LU Yi-Wei Department of Environmental Sciences; School of Life Sciences; Hangzhou Normal College; Hangzhou 310036; Zhejiang; China
Ultrastructure of rosy barb Puntius conchonius spermatozoon
HU Jia-Hui~;ZHANG Yong-Zhong~;FU Chong-Luo~2;LIU Xue-Zhou~31. College of Marine Biology;Ocean University of China;Qingdao 266003;Shandong;China2. College of Life Science;Liaocheng University;Liaocheng 252059;Shandong;China3. Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Fishery Science;Qingdao 266071;Shandong;China
Cytological study on nuclear transplanted eggs by transplanting Xenopus laevis blastomere nuclei to Bufo raddei
SI Ke-Yuan~1;LIANG Gui-Xia~;YU Shi-Yuan~1;CHEN Yong-Long~1. College of Life Science; Northwest Normal University;Lanzhou 730070;China2. Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology; Georg-August-University Goettingen; Goettingen 37073;Germany
Self-grooming by rodents in social and sexual contexts
Michael H. FERKIN~; Stuart T. LEONARD~21. University of Memphis; Department of Biology; Ellington Hall; Memphis; TN 38152; USA2. Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Department of Pharmacology; New Orleans; LA 70112; USA