Ethics and zoology
John St. J. S. BUCKERIDGEEarth & Oceanic Sciences Research Institute; Auckland University of Technology; New Zealand
Introduction to evolutionary genomics
Aaron J. W. HSUEHDivision of Reproductive Biology; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Stanford University School of Medicine; Stanford; CA 94305-5317
DNA barcoding: new approach of biological taxonomy
XIAO Jin-Hua~; XIAO Hui~1; HUANG Da-Wei~1.Institute of Zoology; The Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100080; China2.Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China3.College of Plant Protection; Shandong Agricultural University; Tai’an 271018; Shandong; China
Establishment and determination of chimeric mice stably expressing green fluorescent protein
ZHAO Xia~1; MA Yun~1; CHEN Xi-Gu~; GE Jian~1; HUANG Bing~1; DENG Xin-Yan~1; YU Ling~2;LAI Ying-Rong~3; HUANG Chun-Nong~41. Experimental Animal Center; Zhongshan University; Guangzhou 510080; China2. Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center; Zhongshan University; Guangzhou 510080; China3. Department of Pathology; Zhongshan University; Guangzhou 510080; China4. Department of Genetic; Zhongshan University; Guangzhou 510080; China